New Contributor III

Joined: November 2018

User Statistics

  • 32 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 10 Kudos given
  • 9 Kudos received

User Activity

Our students have discovered the password to our "vendor" network, which is unfiltered, and have been putting both their personal devices and their school devices on this network. We are working on dumping all connections and changing the password, b...
Here everyone - please go and vote for this in the feature requests. It is annoying to have to spend 1/2 the day logging back into Jamf and waiting for the page to load.
We are experiencing some connectivity issues with our managed Apple TVs. Since the beginning of the school year, we have been experiencing slow connecting times and choppy video. We made some changes to our network to move the network the Apple TVs a...
We are finding that when we run "Return to Service" on an iPad the location services is not turned on when it re-enrolls. Because of this the date and the time is not set correctly. Is there a way to force this to be ON, or a way to turn it on remote...
App Installers are new to Jamf School. I have been experimenting with Chrome on a test device. Since I installed Chrome using the App Installer there has been an update to Chrome. How and when will this update be loaded into Jamf School and pushed ou...