Add input source to keyboard settings via script

New Contributor II

Hi all,

Does anyone know how to add a second input source to the keyboard? I have the keyboard ID, but don't know how to add it to the input sources?

I would also like to show the input menu in menu bar for users.

Thanks in advance for any guidance.


Contributor II

@donifar Also have a need for this but have yet to find any solution. Surprised this isn't more common.

Contributor III

We used to reset these settings to our defaults on lab Macs in the past. I'd suggest you want to do this via a custom configuration profile as these settings are user level. Scripting them will be far more complex than deploying a config profile.

To add the Menu bar option the preference is the necessary plist content is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
            <string>/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/</string>
        <key>NSStatusItem Visible</key>

The preference holding the keyboard info is, add your required keyboards in the System Preferences then, again, use this to create a custom config profile. For example, British and Australian, with British as default would be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
                <string>Keyboard Layout</string>
                <key>KeyboardLayout ID</key>
                <key>KeyboardLayout Name</key>
                <string>Keyboard Layout</string>
                <key>KeyboardLayout ID</key>
                <key>KeyboardLayout Name</key>
                <string>Keyboard Layout</string>
                <key>KeyboardLayout ID</key>
                <key>KeyboardLayout Name</key>


Recently had someone point me to this question. It's possible to use the defaults command to add an input source. I have an example on GitHub.

Here's a short script:


# adds the additional input source to the list of input sources
/usr/bin/defaults write AppleEnabledInputSources -array-add '<dict><key>InputSourceKind</key><string>Keyboard Layout</string><key>KeyboardLayout ID</key><integer>89</integer><key>KeyboardLayout Name</key><string>Latin American</string></dict>'

# enables the input menu in the menu bar
/usr/bin/defaults write visible -bool true

exit 0

Thanks @talkingmoose that works great.  What I noticed though is that you don't see the change until after you logout and log back in.  I tried restarting the menu bar using

killall -KILL SystemUIServer

and it did restart the menubar but didn't load the added input source.  Any ideas on whether it is possible to reload that list without the logout/login?

New Contributor

Any one can tell me how to find out the keyboard ID

New Contributor III

@luic6 try this. defaults read /Library/Preferences/ AppleEnabledInputSources

New Contributor III

@talkingmoose I used your script, thnx for that. Now when I open my system prefs I have 2 how do I make the just added one default? Or how can I remove one?


New Contributor

@talkingmoose jamf should give the smartest way to do it...