Posted on 02-11-2020 04:39 AM
I just upgraded to 10.18 on-prem. I can't find much info on Bootstrap Tokens in the documentation. Anyone here know how to turn it on/use it? I tried running profiles install -type bootstraptoken
on my own test machine but I get an error saying profiles: Bootstrap Token functionality is not supported on the server.
The Mac is running Catalina, and was originally provisioned with DEP (or whatever it's called) and a PreStage Enrollment.
Posted on 02-11-2020 04:55 AM
Did you re-enrol that test machine after you upgraded your jamf server?
I noticed the same issue, I erased my test machine and re-enrolled and then it was working fine.
I was using these articles to help me out:
Posted on 02-11-2020 04:59 AM
Ah ok. I did not. Dang. That's a tough catch.