Posted on 03-19-2023 08:42 PM
Hi Everyone! is there a way through Jamf to change default browser to chrome automatically? or how can we do that? as I don't see any config profile in Jamf for that specific task. We do have a lot of Macs that we need to change their default browser to chrome silently. Thank you!
Posted on 03-20-2023 05:01 AM
@mforeman1 There's not a Configuration Profile to set the default browser, but you can do it via Jamf Pro by installing an open-source tool called SwiftDefaultApps and calling the command line tool embedded in it via a script. Here's an example on using it:
Posted on 03-21-2023 06:54 AM
I'm using the below script but it will still require the user to click a button to accept it when it prompts them
killall "Google Chrome"
sleep 5
open -a "Google Chrome" --args --make-default-browser
sleep 5
open -a "Google Chrome"
exit 0