Posted on
11:52 PM
- last edited
2 weeks ago
Do we have any article or link which will show JAMFpro MySQL database table details. For example if we want to see HDD utilized or free space , which table has to be referred.
Posted on 07-25-2018 03:49 AM
Dont have descriptions, but here's a fiull list of the tables...
| Tables_in_jamfsoftware |
| account_invitations |
| activation_code |
| adobe_payloads |
| advanced_searches |
| airplay_permission_mappings |
| airplay_permissions |
| android_device_details |
| app_lock_assignments |
| app_updater_settings |
| apple_school_manager_active_syncs |
| apple_school_manager_instance |
| apple_school_manager_matcher |
| apple_school_manager_sync_change_requests |
| apple_school_manager_sync_records |
| application_certificates |
| application_push_tokens |
| application_usage_logs |
| applications |
| attachment_assignments |
| attachments |
| auto_management_command_state |
| autorun_additions |
| autorun_data |
| autorun_exceptions |
| autorun_preferences |
| autorun_script_values |
| autorun_users |
| available_software_updates |
| blacklisted_tokens |
| buildings |
| byo_profile_applications |
| byo_profile_configurations |
| byo_profile_localizations |
| byo_profile_subcommands |
| byo_profiles |
| cached_packages |
| casper_suite_application_preferences |
| categories |
| category_objects |
| ccm_settings |
| ccm_stats |
| certificate_authority_issued |
| certificate_authority_revocation_list |
| certificate_authority_settings |
| certificate_renewal_signing_cert_reissue_log |
| certificate_request_details |
| certificate_template_common_name_restrictions |
| certificate_to_byo_profile |
| certificate_to_mobile_device_configuration_profile |
| certificate_to_os_x_configuration_profile |
| change_management |
| classroom_apple_tvs |
| classroom_beacon_id_available |
| classroom_edu_profile_hash |
| classroom_instructor_jss_user |
| classroom_instructor_user_group |
| classroom_meeting_times |
| classroom_mobile_device_group |
| classroom_student_jss_user |
| classroom_student_user_group |
| classroom_students |
| classroom_teachers |
| classrooms |
| client_check_in |
| client_security |
| cloud_distribution_point |
| cloud_distribution_point_files_to_replicate |
| cloud_distribution_point_inventory_files |
| cloud_distribution_point_upload |
| common_certificate_authority_settings |
| computer_dep_prestage_device_assignments |
| computer_dep_prestage_skip_step_associations |
| computer_dep_prestages |
| computer_group_memberships |
| computer_groups |
| computer_installed_certificates |
| computer_inventory_collection_custom_paths |
| computer_inventory_collection_preferences |
| computer_invitation_usage |
| computer_invitations |
| computer_prestage_configuration_profiles |
| computer_previous_certificates |
| computer_user_pushtokens |
| computers |
| computers_denormalized |
| configuration_memberships |
| configurations |
| configurator_enrollment |
| custom_reports |
| database_schema_overrides |
| db_schema_information |
| dep_devices_awaiting_conf_queue |
| dep_quick_add_packages |
| departments |
| developer_certificate_identity |
| device_enrollment_program_devices |
| device_enrollment_program_instances |
| device_name_pattern |
| directory_bindings |
| distribution_points |
| distribution_server_files_to_replicate |
| distribution_server_inventory |
| distribution_server_inventory_files |
| distribution_server_inventory_software_update_branches |
| distribution_server_inventory_software_updates |
| distribution_server_invitations |
| distribution_server_management_commands |
| distribution_servers |
| distribution_technology_settings |
| dock_items |
| downloadable_file_chunk_data |
| downloadable_file_chunk_metadata |
| downloadable_files |
| education_feature_settings |
| education_profile_event |
| encryption_key |
| enrollment_access_groups |
| enrollment_associations |
| enrollment_process_localized_strings |
| enrollment_profile_enrollment_history |
| enrollment_profiles |
| enrollment_settings |
| eula_acceptance_logs |
| event_logs |
| extension_attribute_popup_choices |
| extension_attribute_values |
| extension_attributes |
| external_certificate_authority_settings |
| external_communication_settings |
| eyes_up_assignments |
| file_extension_white_list |
| file_vault_2 |
| file_vault_2_certificate |
| file_vault_2_computer_key |
| file_vault_2_users |
| focus_monitor |
| fonts |
| group_recalculation_times |
| gsx_connection |
| hard_drive_partitions |
| hard_drives |
| hardware_reports |
| hcl_command_status |
| hcl_settings |
| hcl_settings_rule |
| hidden_files |
| ibeacon_device_proximities |
| ibeacons |
| ibook_deployment |
| ibook_deployment_queue |
| ibook_volume_purchase_codes |
| ibooks |
| ibooks_installed |
| icons |
| identity_certificates |
| installed_printers |
| ios_configuration_profile_attributes |
| issued_certificates |
| itunes_metadata |
| jsam_invitations |
| jsams |
| json_web_token_configs |
| jss_access_logs |
| jss_audit |
| jss_audit_settings |
| jss_cache_configurations |
| jss_cache_sequence |
| jss_cluster_nodes |
| jss_cluster_settings |
| jss_cluster_updates |
| jss_custom_settings |
| jss_memcached_endpoints |
| jss_metrics |
| jss_server_url |
| jss_settings |
| jss_webhook_settings |
| key_pairs |
| keystores |
| ldap_servers |
| licensed_software |
| licensed_software_activation_status |
| licensed_software_definitions |
| licensed_software_swid_definition |
| licensed_software_usage |
| licensed_software_usage_counts |
| limited_access_mode_settings |
| location_history |
| locations |
| log_actions |
| log_errors |
| logs |
| lps_connection_settings |
| lps_server_settings |
| mac_app_deployment |
| mac_app_deployment_queue |
| mac_app_volume_purchase_codes |
| mac_apps |
| managed_preference_profile_deployment |
| managed_preference_profiles |
| managed_preference_uploaded_manifests |
| managed_push_settings |
| management_framework_id |
| mdm_command_queue_settings |
| mdm_invitation |
| message_queue_settings |
| microsoft_scep_challenge_configuration |
| mobile_app_volume_purchase_codes |
| mobile_device_activation_lock |
| mobile_device_app_assignments |
| mobile_device_app_contents |
| mobile_device_app_deployment |
| mobile_device_app_deployment_queue |
| mobile_device_app_device_families |
| mobile_device_app_invitations |
| mobile_device_app_metadata |
| mobile_device_app_network_segments |
| mobile_device_apps |
| mobile_device_available_updates |
| mobile_device_configuration_profile_deployment |
| mobile_device_configuration_profiles |
| mobile_device_details |
| mobile_device_extension_attribute_popup_choices |
| mobile_device_extension_attribute_values |
| mobile_device_extension_attributes |
| mobile_device_group_memberships |
| mobile_device_groups |
| mobile_device_inhouse_app_validator_settings |
| mobile_device_installed_applications |
| mobile_device_installed_certificates |
| mobile_device_installed_profiles |
| mobile_device_installed_provisioning_profiles |
| mobile_device_lost_mode |
| mobile_device_managed_app_configurations |
| mobile_device_management_access_rights |
| mobile_device_management_commands |
| mobile_device_management_inventory_collection_preferences |
| mobile_device_management_invitation_usage |
| mobile_device_management_invitations |
| mobile_device_management_ios_app_settings |
| mobile_device_prestage_device_assignments |
| mobile_device_prestage_device_names |
| mobile_device_prestage_skip_step_associations |
| mobile_device_prestages |
| mobile_device_self_service |
| mobile_devices |
| mobile_devices_denormalized |
| mobile_user_pushtoken |
| netboot_servers |
| network_integration_api_mapping |
| network_integration_compliance |
| network_integration_settings |
| network_segments |
| object_history |
| operating_systems |
| os_installer_categories |
| os_installer_items |
| os_update_process_manager |
| os_updates_status |
| os_x_configuration_profile_deployment |
| os_x_configuration_profile_update_queue |
| os_x_configuration_profiles |
| os_x_installed_configuration_profiles |
| package_contents |
| package_objects |
| package_receipts |
| packages |
| partitions_for_imaging |
| password_history |
| password_policy |
| patch_calculation_queue |
| patch_capabilities |
| patch_component_criteria |
| patch_components |
| patch_dependencies |
| patch_dependency_criteria |
| patch_deployment |
| patch_disclaimer_agreement |
| patch_kill_apps |
| patch_notifications |
| patch_policies |
| patch_policy_self_service_categories |
| patch_policy_status_log_actions |
| patch_policy_status_logs |
| patch_queue |
| patch_settings |
| patch_software_title_extension_attribute_scripts |
| patch_software_title_requirements |
| patch_software_titles |
| patches |
| peripheral_type_field_choices |
| peripheral_types |
| peripherals |
| plugins |
| policies |
| policy_accounts |
| policy_deployment |
| policy_directory_bindings |
| policy_dock_items |
| policy_history |
| policy_packages |
| policy_printers |
| policy_running |
| policy_scripts |
| policy_self_service_categories |
| pre_stage_computer_names |
| pre_stage_logs |
| pre_stage_mac_addresses |
| pre_stage_network_segments |
| pre_stage_serial_numbers |
| pre_stages |
| prestage_account_settings |
| prestage_notification |
| printers |
| provisioning_profiles |
| public_key_infrastructure |
| purchasing_information |
| push_notification_framework_settings |
| push_notification_keystores |
| push_notification_proxy_settings |
| recon_fields |
| reenrollment_settings |
| removable_mac_addresses |
| reports |
| restricted_software |
| restricted_software_deployment |
| retention_policies |
| retention_policy_rules |
| retention_policy_settings |
| retention_policy_tables |
| roster_class |
| roster_class_instructor |
| roster_class_student |
| roster_course |
| roster_location |
| roster_user |
| running_services |
| saved_search_criteria |
| saved_search_display_fields |
| saved_searches |
| scep_challenges |
| scheduled_deletions |
| scripts |
| searchable_app_cache |
| self_healing_trigger_files |
| self_service |
| self_service_notifications |
| self_service_notifications_objects |
| self_service_plugins |
| self_service_session |
| serial_number_script_assignments |
| shared_device_users |
| signing_certificates |
| site_objects |
| sites |
| smart_computer_group_criteria |
| smart_mobile_device_group_criteria |
| smart_user_object_group_criteria |
| smtp_server |
| software_id_license_linkage_activation_statuses |
| software_id_license_linkage_channel_types |
| software_id_license_linkage_customer_types |
| software_id_tags |
| software_licenses |
| software_title_last_updated |
| software_update_servers |
| ssmacos_vpp_content_installed |
| sso_settings |
| startup_message_localized |
| symantec_ca |
| task_assignments |
| tasks |
| ui_notification_assignments |
| ui_notifications |
| url_lock_assignments |
| usage_logs |
| user_group_memberships |
| user_group_roles |
| user_groups |
| user_object |
| user_object_extension_attribute_popup_choices |
| user_object_extension_attribute_values |
| user_object_extension_attributes |
| user_object_group_memberships |
| user_object_groups |
| user_object_metadata |
| user_objects |
| user_preference_json |
| user_preferences |
| user_receipts |
| user_roles |
| users |
| vpp_account_purchasing_information |
| vpp_admin_accounts |
| vpp_assignment |
| vpp_assignment_deployment |
| vpp_assignment_licenses |
| vpp_email_notifications |
| vpp_invitation_deployment |
| vpp_invitation_usage |
| vpp_invitations |
| vpp_licenses |
| vpp_mobile_device_app_license_app |
| vpp_user_accounts |
| wallpaper_auto_management_settings |
Posted on 07-25-2018 03:50 AM
You can use the 'describe' command in MySQL to show all table headers..
Posted on 04-30-2020 05:08 PM
Long answer: (because tables are added or removed over time)
1. Login to MySQL
2. Enter "use jamfsoftware;" without quotes
3. To see columns in the table, use "describe tablename;" without quotes
4. To see data in a table, use "select from tablename;" without quotes. I would not do this on a production database as it could take a long time to list data. If you want to just see some of the data, use "select from tablename limit 100;"