Modifying xml file in Library

New Contributor III

Hello, I'm looking to modify the configuration file for Cisco AnyConnect for our users. The file xml by default goes to /opt/cisco/anyconnect/profile/. I wish to make a simple alteration to modify the hostname and address name of the VPNs available.

What is the best course of action for this? Should I create a pkg file to overwrite the already existing config file or is there a way to simply edit it?


Thank you.


Contributor II

you could remotely overwrite a file like this:

echo "some text here" > /path/to/file

you could append to a file like

echo "Some text to be appended" >> /path/to/file


I'm pretty new to this. Where would I do that?

Computers>Policies>New>Files and Processes>Execute Command. that said it may be easier to just package the file and replace it. If you do so, remember to ensure the permissions are correct.

New Contributor III

We use AnyConnect and that xml profile is overwritten during each connection.  If you change the xml locally it would only work until you connect then it would revert back to the profile settings configured on the server.  Not sure if that is default behavior or just a manageable setting.  But I would say the easiest way to update is just create copy of your profile xml, tweak it how you need, then push that out to the machines as a pkg.  If those local settings stay after connections, I would assume you'll need to update your actual AnyConnect installer pkg to update that xml there as well?