Posted on 12-08-2014 09:56 AM
Upgraded the CasperSuite from 9.6 to 9.62 yesterday.
After using Casper Imaging 9.62 with a 10.10.1 configuration, the 1st reboot, installation of apps and running of At Reboot scripts was working, but the system would pause and not do the final reboot.
I have several At Reboot scripts and I make a lot of use of the jamfHelper to display messages to the installers. To resolve this bug/issue, I purposely had to include a "killall jamfHelper" at the end of the last script that runs. With that in place, then JAMF was able to continue with deleting the temporary adobe account and instruct the system reboot.
Having a "killall jamfHelper" wasn't required when the Casper suite was at v9.6. Ultimately, I would like to get back to posting a message to the installers that a reboot has been schedule and to leave until the reboot takes place. It's a nice visual they can see from afar. Otherwise there is a two minute pause after running the final script and the reboot takes place.
Posted on 12-08-2014 12:24 PM
I'm having post image script issues with 9.62 as well in our test environment, but not exactly the same. We have one .pkg that installs at reboot (so I have the adobe account logging in as well), then I have 5 post image scripts, for some reason the final script never starts to run. It is copied to the PostInstall folder with the others. If I reboot the client, it runs through all of the post image scripts again, and again never runs the 5th final script.
I put a ticket in this morning
Posted on 12-08-2014 12:43 PM
I've completed enough testing to convince myself that I need to have the killall jamfHelper. Probably just good practice at the end of any of my scripts.
It was the 8th of 8 scripts that wasn't completing when I first started digging into it. The 8th script's function was ```
softwareupdate -ia
Currently there aren't any updates available so I've removed that script from my 10.10.1 configuration. The 7th script has a killall jamfHelper at the end of it.
Is that command in your script? Could it be that process doesn't complete?
Posted on 12-08-2014 12:46 PM
No I don't have that command in my scripts. Most of my scripts are install xyz software packages which all seem to install fine. I will try, though, taking out the prior script to see if that changes anything. Maybe it is causing some hang. Thanks for replying.
Posted on 12-08-2014 01:04 PM
That seems to be my problem for well. My script causing the issue is a script to set firmware password, if one is already set (last years) it provides that old password.
If I remove that script from the workflow, imaging completes (computer runs last script and reboots).
That script doesn't cause a holdup in 9.32 though. If it has a firmware password properly set already, it just produces an error in the jamf.log and moves on. Not anymore... Were you getting an error in the jamf.log at all?
Posted on 01-07-2015 11:22 PM
Looks like 9.63 doesn't fix this issue ether which is preventing me from upgrading from 9.6.
Anyone found a work around so far?
Posted on 01-13-2015 12:27 PM
See this thread - I haven't tested out because it's not an out of the box replacement for my usage (I call jamfHelper as part of a script before policies and the message is in the parameters) but this might work for your usage....
Posted on 01-31-2015 11:28 PM
Hi everyone,
I believe this is being looked under D-008244, highlight it to your rep as important as for us it's preventing us from upgrading from 9.6 as we also display a message at logout for patching before updates get applied which is now paused until the message is closed down. I hope they address this in 9.64.
Posted on 02-16-2015 08:43 PM
Hi guys,
Same issue in 9.64 in testing for me.
Posted on 02-16-2015 11:12 PM
I've completed enough testing to convince myself that I need to have the killall jamfHelper. Probably just good practice at the end of any of my scripts. It was the 8th of 8 scripts that wasn't completing when I first started digging into it. The 8th script's function was #!/bin/sh softwareupdate -ia Currently there aren't any updates available so I've removed that script from my 10.10.1 configuration. The 7th script has a killall jamfHelper at the end of it. Is that command in your script? Could it be that process doesn't complete?
I ran into this issue the other day. The 'softwareupdate -ia' command was hanging during the first boot scripts on 10.10. Turns out that the softwareupdate command will not run in Yosemite if the user account is not completely logged in, because the first boot scripts run under the adobeinstall account the iCloud popup was appearing (but hiding behind the JamfHelper screen) and not completing the login. I changed the order of my first boot scripts to have the User Template plists updated to hide the iCloud prompt and now the softwareupdate command works without hanging the system.
Posted on 02-16-2015 11:19 PM
I myself have tried to get any scripts at all work within imaging yet I cant. I just install Base applications and then use casper policies to apply scripts after enrolment.
Posted on 02-20-2015 09:12 PM
Hi guys, scripts in general work fine for me it's only the ones which have /Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/ in them that display a message that pause the whole process when the message is displayed on screen stoping the policy / script from doing the next task.
Posted on 02-23-2015 08:31 AM
I don't see D-008244 listed among the 9.65 release notes. Can anybody confirm whether this is fixed?
Posted on 02-23-2015 08:41 AM
Confirmed, not fixed. It is on schedule to be fixed with the next (9.66) release support tells me.