smart group from CSV file

Valued Contributor II

I was just given a list of 2500 users that need to be cross referenced into the JSS and a group made out of them (not all of them will be in the JSS). Is there a way to take this CSV list and create a smart group based off them?


New Contributor

I don't know, but maybe try searching the forum or asking your support contact about importing user extension attributes, with a smart group that searches for that attribute.

Legendary Contributor III

Does the csv only contain usernames and/or email addresses? No computer or host names? If so, that will be tricky. Maybe not possible at all. Even with computer names it would not be easy, but would be more feasible.

May I ask what the actual end goal is? Is the Static group to be used in a policy to target just those users machines and exclude others?

Valued Contributor II

yeah, we got a group running an old web app that only runs on safari 6. something and apple's been patching the crap out of safari of late so they can't use their web app.

Unfortunately they don't have a list of their mac users, they just have a user dump from the whole application.