Tracking which apps users are installing via Self Service via dummy receipt

Valued Contributor

Problem: How do I differentiate which apps users are installing via Self Service vs installs completed by Casper Imaging, Remote, or Policies.

I wanted to track which apps were being installed via Self Service, without having to create two packages. I could have duplicated an existing package and renamed it with an "SS" prefix or something. But then I would have to remember that process or workout different routines for updates.

Here's how I used dummy receipts for this issue:
For example, I had an EndNote X5 (15.0.0).dmg package.

I created the Self Service policy for installing EndNote X5 and on the Advanced tab, I add the following in the Run Command field:

touch /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Receipts/zSSEndNote X5 (15.0.0).pkg

To me, the prefex zSS helps sort it to the bottom of the list alphabetically and the SS is for Self Service.

Then I created a smart group that checks for Receipts Information with "Packages Installed By Casper HAS zSS EndNote X5 (15.0.0.)". Or maybe include all of the Self Service dummy receipts into one smart group to show the popularity of Self Service.

Of course I will relay the results to my supervisor so they know how people are using Self Service.

I could not find this tip in JAMFnation. Someone else may have implanted idea in my head 3 years ago and I had forgotten about it. Now that I am deploying Self Service, I am trying to find as many tips and tricks as I can.


Contributor II

Sounds like you're going to want to run a script that checks for the instance of casper (remote or ss) used to instAll the package and write a receipt accordingly. Then you can create two inventory searches, one for each.