How does one apply SSL certs to a NetSUS box? I am not quite sure where
to install them so I wanted to see if anyone had a step-by-step or
documentation on how to do this? Thanks in advance!
I take what I said back about the Acrobat deployment. It worked, but
only after I closed the application. I did not see the command come
through while the app was running. So, there does seem to be some
difference in installing with app running vs. n...
Very interesting. I myself have been testing out this feature and have
found it to be inconsistent in how it pushes down the apps/updates. I
created a Google Chrome deployment and noticed that it installed the app
regardless of if Chrome was open or ...
Gotcha. Yeah, I'm debating on if I should just switch over to Parallels.
Need to do some research to see what functionality it provides vs.
VMWare Fusion