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JAMF Manage Error

Has anyone dealt with this error before? When I run Sudo JAMF Manage to install the mdm profile, I get this - The JSS is available. Enforcing login/logout hooks... Error installing the computer level mdm profile: profiles install for file:'/Library/A...  View more

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Disable check-ins etc during and after JSS upgrade

I think I'm ready to upgrade our JSS from 9.65 to 9.81. My wish is to be able to temporarily disable all connections to the JSS except for the web admin. I'd like to flip a switch that essentially puts up a wall that prevents self service, check-ins,...  View more

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Ms Office 2011 Outlook new update package14.5.6

This update provides the following fixes to improve Mac OS X El Capitan compatibility: The hang situation that occurs during an account sync operation in Microsoft Outlook for Mac 2011 is fixed. This problem is described in KB 3098396.https://support...  View more

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JSS 9.81 and Server v5*- JDS issues

Hi all, there appears to be issues with JSS and Server 5.I've noticed that you can't have both running together on the same server as eventually the JSS stops running.I've now deleted the server.app from my Casper Server and am running the CasperShar...  View more

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How to force SUS updates + safari vulnerability question

Hello All, I am sure most of you have dealt with this already - how have you handled the safari vulnerability?https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT205033some sites say it can give you access to root/admin without the need for credentials understandably,...  View more

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Custom search paths for Spotlight?

I have spent considerable time looking for answers for this, but come up empty handed so far. Does anyone know if it's possible to have Spotlight search a local Sharepoint site, so that results show up in a normal Spotlight search? With Spotlight now...  View more

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Disable (turn off) FileVault Via Policy/Script

Before reinventing the wheel, I'd like to ping the community to see if anyone has already done this... I need to turn off FileVault on select Macs. fdesetup has a "disable" verb, but it asks for a password/recovery key interactively. Before I put on ...  View more

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How to force screen viewing on remote computer?

I understand that the Casper Remote app doesn't do any NAT traversal, and you need to be able to make an SSH connection between yourself and the IP address of the remote computer. It seems that a common way to get around that is to use a VPN. You'd t...  View more

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Boot Runner Impressions?

I'm looking for comments and experiences from anyone who has used Boot Runner to handle dual/multi-boot Macs. We're still clinging to some classrooms that need to dual-boot between OS X and Windows and Boot Runner seems to be a good option to keep th...  View more

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DEP Testing and consequences

Quick question to all: I'm now getting new machines that were purchased thru DEP. Broke out one to start testing and was wondering if there was a way to 'zero the machine out' and get it back to how it was right before i started testing? If i erase t...  View more

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RSVP on Eventbrite

If you wish to attend this event you must register on the Eventbrite page for an entry ticket. Please do this ASAP as tickets are limited. [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mabrained-jnuc-mini-event-day-block-brewing-tickets-18966387977](Eventbrite Link)  View more

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SIP workaround?

I've been trying to consume as much info about SIP as I can so I can understand how it is going to affect my users and the apps they use. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you have an app that installs into one of the protected areas (such as /sbin), y...  View more

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Anyone have experience with PlistBuddy?

I need to create a simple shell script to call on PlistBuddy to add the new string "/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Script Menu.menu" to the existing menuExtras array in the file from the screenshot. The syntax of the PlistBuddy command is k...  View more

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CasperCheck - zip file corrupt

Hello, Bit of background; I re-designed our JSS on a separate server to our existing JSS and created loads of new functionality for it. One of the things I implemented was that wonderful CasperCheck auto-reenrollment policy which worked like a charm....  View more

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OS X 10.11.1 Beta breaks jamfAgent

I've tested OS X 10.11.1 Beta 2 and 3 and on both systems the jamfAgent is broken - and therefore the Self Service does not work. Unfortunately there is not that much information - disabling the startup of the agent via launchd and starting /usr/loca...  View more

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JNUC 2015: Crafter Meetup Discussion

Hey y'all! Any recommendations on where we should meet to craft and chat? I'll be bringing two knitting projects and a crochet project with me to the JNUC most likely. What is everyone else working on? (RSVP here: https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/...  View more

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Casper Admin 9.81

I've been noticing problems uploading packages to my test 9.81 JSS with Casper Admin. This has happened on 2 different Macs. One client running 10.10.5 and the other 10.11. Some packages will work and others not. Then a couple minutes later those tha...  View more

e4e8b82a058a4c6c82c09ad5db05f3c4 327488aab873436dae08e2fec8ae18a8
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Screen Saver vs Power Save

I created a profile that starts the screen saver after 15 minutes and one minute later requires a password. The profile works, but it seems to have an unintended side affect. If a user has Energy Saver settings that put the computer to sleep after sa...  View more

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upgrading OS X 10.10.x to 10.11 with FV2

Kind of a quick inquiry and recommendation, our company a few months ago performed bare metal installs of 10.10.x and now are wanting to upgrade some of these users to 10.11 - we have FV2 enabled and are curious do you decrypt the FV2 drive or just i...  View more

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Pro Tools 12

Anyone successfully deployed this? Is it similar to 11, where installing a) Pro Toolsb) iLokc) Avid HD Driverd) Avid Codecs And then running this script (for 11.3, not sure if it also applies to 12) will do the trick? https://app.box.com/s/i6exf4r6d2...  View more

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policies triggered 'Enrollment Complete'

I'm still at 9.51. when Mavericks casper imaging configuration completes, policies that are set to run at 'Enrollment Complete' do not get triggered. If I enroll via quickaddpkg the policies run as expected. anyone have any insight on what might be t...  View more

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Workflow to assign VPP Apps to IOS Devices?

Hello!JSS: 9.8.1iOS Devices: iPad AiriOS Version: 9.0.2 Anyone have a good workflow for assigning VPP apps to iOS devices that does not require a student AppleID? I have about 50 iPads to assign to a group of students, and if I don't have to gather t...  View more

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FileVault 2 Deferred Enablement - El Capitan

Have any of you guys had issues with FileVault 2's deferred enablement feature since upgrading to El Capitan? Here's the scenario I'm running into so far: Mac had FileVault 2 successfully deployed and encrypted via Casper using deferred enablement wh...  View more

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