Deploying to specific folder

New Contributor

I have a fileset (folder) that I would like to deploy to each user's specific home folder. The problem is, we do not use a generic 'Admin' account, so each user's home folder is specific to their actual name / initials.

When creating the policy, I am trying to specify the install path, but using /Users/~ and trying to add wildcards (*) is actually creating folders with those names in the /Users folder. Does the JSS not follow normal reference protocols?

I have seen a few people post scripts on here that will essentially move an item once the installation completes, but I'm having difficulty ascertaining what elements of the script need to be modified to accomplish my specific goal.

Does anyone have any special instructions, or has anyone run into something similar to this?


Valued Contributor II

If you use Composer to capture the files and create a DMG of them you can then use the FEU/FUT option on the file in Casper Admin when you upload the file to get Casper to put them in the end users folder.

Valued Contributor II

I second that!

New Contributor

Hey, cool, that worked great. Do you have any ideas if I now also want an alias for that folder to appear in the Finder sidebar?

Valued Contributor II

Hrm... there should be a number of ways to do this and I haven't tried most of them. Have you given the "User Elements" section of Composer a shot? Obviously this can be scripted but I like nice simple solutions where possible. Bear in mind that I have no idea if FUT or FET works on the sidebar.plist.

Honored Contributor

@Chris_Hafner Simple isn't always right though. For example if he copied the entire file that would have user specific shortcuts that become useless under a new user account.

@InsigniamLLC Have a look at this blog post: my link text.

Valued Contributor II

@bpavlov Quite correct! Actually, I didn't realize that it grabs the entire sidebar plist. Oh well. Part of why I tried to give a broad disclaimer about my having not used them ;-) Now, your method looks pretty simple and it does seem like the right way!