Edit Password Complexity

New Contributor

Under Configuration Profiles, we have the option to either enforce or ignore a complex passcode, 'Passcode cannot contain repeating, ascending, and descending character sequences.'

My question is, are we able to edit exactly what this complexity means? For example, up to 2 repeating/ascending/descending character sequences? We are trying to mimic the password complexity of Okta.


Esteemed Contributor

JAMF only has the options Apple makes available in the MDM framework. I would suggest looking in to a tool to sync your local mac PW and your Okta PW, something like Okta Verify or Apple SSO Extension. This would help insure that users local password is the same as their IDP password.


Apple is introducing the ability to use regex to define password rules in macOS Sonoma. Check out this video from WWDC23 - they talk about this shortly after the timestamp I'm linking to: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10040/?time=540