Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta is now available!

Hello Jamf Nation! The Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta Release features a number of exciting improvements and enhancements for managing your Apple devices. Starting with 11.8.0, Jamf Pro admins will be able to set a minimum OS for MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads t...  View more

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CrashPlan PROe Extension Attributes (again)

Mac OS 10.11CrashPlan 4.3.4JSS 9.82 CrashPlan - Last Backup Extension Attribute from template !/bin/sh CP_ServerAddress="crashplan.myserver.com"CP_ServerPort="4285"CP_AdminUsername="myadminusername"CP_AdminPassword="myadminpassword" if [ "$CP_ServerA...  View more

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iPad Available Space Issue

Hey nation, We are rolling 9.2.1 hard in our county. Some students are having a problem where they can't utilize all the storage space they should have after the update. We are seeing this on 16 GB iPads right now. Even after all Apps are deleted, a ...  View more

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CrashPlanProe installation and self service plugin

has anyone installed CrashPlanPROe via Self Service ?did you read the 'administering crashplanPROe with the Casper Suite' technical paper Casper suite v9.0 or later 19 August 2014 to assist in your installation. if so, have you installed the Self Ser...  View more

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El Capitan 10.11.3 Partially Enrolled During Imaging

All -Have begun testing with El Cap 10.11.3.Created my AutoDMG base with the latest version and imported it into the JSS. Began imaging process of a test device using just a few scripts (set preferred domains on Ethernet devices, set our proxy settin...  View more

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enable port 22 on all Macs bound to domain?

Is this possible via Casper or script? Security has a tool that needs to access via Port 22 and are looking for ways to ensure this is enabled on all macs. currently a lot of these are in an unmanaged state or they are using air watch currently, whil...  View more

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Script to remove user

I am looking for a script that will remove a user (might be different every time so not specific). I can find scripts for removing an already known user but need on to remove a username that is not predefined. This will be the only user on the machin...  View more

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office/Mircosoft Project

Hi, today I tried to import an mpp file and I got the following error:java.class.path: eclipsito.jar;.java.home: C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7java.ext.dirs: C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7libext;C:windowsSunJavalibextjava.io.tmpdir: C:Userspeter.danail...  View more

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NYC Metro JAMF User Group March 2016 Meeting

After a holiday hiatus, I'd like to announce the Eleventh NYC Metro JAMF User Group meeting will be held on Thursday, March 3rd, 2016 4:30 to 6:30 PM. at Apple Executive Briefing Center, 100 Fifth Ave, 6th Floor New York, NY, 10014. Continuing the fi...  View more

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Casper Imaging - Waiting for next drive

I am experimenting with Casper Imaging for the first time, using version 9.8. I built my configuration in JSS and it shows up nicely in CI (running on a MacBook Pro running 10.11.3). Everything is set up per the instructions in the admin guide (targe...  View more

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Smart group for MDM Locked computers

When an employee gets terminated, or equipment gets stolen, we send the command to lock computers via Casper. I'd like an easy way to dynamically track these, but don't see any relevant criteria to search for. I know that I can create an EA and manua...  View more

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Outlook Auto Download Settings

We were recently asked to verify and configure Outlook’s automatic downloading of pictures from the Internet:Outlook 2011 / 2016 > Preferences > Reading > Security The initial plan was to use a Custom Configuration Profile for the “com.microsoft.Outl...  View more

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Alternative to McAfee ePO?

We currently use McAfee Endpoint Protection on our Macs and PCs. On the Macs we only use the Anti-Malware, Application Protection and Desktop Firewall modules. We really hate McAfee for many reasons so we're looking into replacing it with something e...  View more

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Troubleshooting "failed" configuration profiles

Unlike policies, it seems that Configuration Profiles don't roll a log back to the JSS for troubleshooting. Since the JSS can detect a failure, it must have some kind of indicator on that. How does one troubleshoot a failure with this module?  View more

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Renewing VPP token error

Hello, I have downloaded a new VPP token from Apple and wish to renew this in Casper JSS 9.4When I browse to the location, Settings > Global Management > VPP Accounts, I then select the account name, click Edit and select Renew Service Token. I then ...  View more

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FileVault2 - Stuck Escrowing recovery key

Does anyone have any experience troubleshooting the escrow of the recovery key? We're seeing this on a handful of laptops out there. We're on JSS 9.81, OS X 10.11.3. We have a configuration profile set to configure filevault with an individual key an...  View more

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Webdav Nav+

Can I check anyone using webdav nav with multiple created with different app configuration? Example.Webdav Nav+ (Prep)Webdav Nav+ (Year 1) this been assign to different group and different network folder. I have issue with using this method and it ca...  View more

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iPad App Ads

Hey Everyone! We experienced an issue the other day where a free app ad displayed some inappropriate content. We do have a content filter in place. So, I was wondering if any could tell me how iPad apps ads work? Thanks in Advance!  View more

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AnyConnect & Symantec PKI

We're in a predominantly windows environment with a ton of various vender services. With a small Mac population peaking its head out wanting to be able to be seen/heard and vice versa, they want the macs to have equivalent services and abilities. Mos...  View more

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