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Forum Posts

Prompted after imaging (Lion, multiple partitions)

Mac has 10 partitions. I know I logged in using my AD account on partition #4. So I image partition #5, and I get this prompt when it's done imaging. How do we prevent this prompt from coming up? AD binding settings do not prompt for user account to ...  View more

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Recon Crashing..

I have a couple of my Help Desk guys who can't get recon to launch. Every time they open the app it just crashes. Here is a screenshot of what they get. external image link Anybody knows how to fix this issue? Thanks,  View more

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Decommissioning Workflow

We are coming to the end of our first school year using Casper. We have graduating seniors who will be buying out their lease and taking their Macbooks with them. We're creating a Self Service policy that will1. Delete licensed software2. Convert the...  View more

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Extension Attribute Warranty Status

This script written by Rusty Myers https://github.com/rustymyers/warranty/blob/master/warranty2.sh Can be used with ARD to check the status of a computers warranty. Any way to use it as an Extension Attribute to have it display the status I would thi...  View more

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JAMFHelper not opening

Hi Folks, We have been using the Imaging suite for over a year and all has been well. Lately though, we have noticed the JAMFHelper is not opening at startup to lock the screen from user input. this means the Adobe installs and other installs running...  View more

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JSS policy execution log?

Im looking to see if there's some sort of log that I can see which shows (in a logging format) what machines are running which policies. I know I can look at indidvidual policices to see the logs, but I'd love to see a place where I can seen every po...  View more

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OT: Lion, Illustrator, EPS and an SMB share

Hi everyone, this isn't Casper related, but i guess some of you may have run into this.We're having an issue here where our users can't modify Illustrator EPS files located on an SMB share.Only Lion users are affected. When modifying a file and tryin...  View more

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IIS and HTTP Distribution Points

Does anyone have an article or instructions to setup Windows IIS 7 to cater HTTP Distribution Point? Information I need to know information like MIME type setup, etc. as IIS doesn't list .pkg .dmg. mpkg MIME types. I have got IIS 7 working but having...  View more

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Error creating the new object in the JSS v 8.51

Hello all, I'm having some issues with a new installation with version 8.51 on Lion Server 10.7.3. When try to add packages via Casper Admin I get the following error message "There was an error creating the new object in the JSS. The object then app...  View more

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Location data not updating when reconing macs

Hi All, Since updating our JSS to the release candidate of8.5 location data is not being updated when reconing macs, we have since upgraded to 8.51 & still we have the issue. If I run: sudo jamf recon -realname Ben On any managed mac, the real name d...  View more

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Potential Bug? Remote Wiping OSX

I think I might have uncovered a gremlin. When attempting to remote wipe or remote lock a computer I get an error message telling me "Cannot connect to APN servers" but if I keep refreshing the command it finally works. What exactly does this error m...  View more

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How to prepare JSS server

Hello, we will be having our jumpstart session in less than a week, and I am wondering if there is anything extra that I can do to help prepare our server for the JSS install. I have gotten all the prerequisites installed and it should be good to go....  View more

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Request Inventory Update (JSS - iOS MDM)

Is there a way to request an inventory update for ALL managed devices. I can click on each one and hit the Blue Circle Arrow under Device Information, but how could I request a manual update for all?  View more

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Self Service 8.5 HTML

I have yet to play with the current version of Self Service, but the HTML piece is not working in 8.4. Does anyone know for sure if that has been resolved?  View more

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Clearing Managed Preferences

This relates to my boot up external drive that I use to image machines in the field.When I set an ip address which was in the managed range, the managed preferences where set on the external drive and it is a pain as I need to do some housework on th...  View more

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10.7 VPN Configuration Profile

I am having a problem trying to setup a VPN configuration profile for 10.7 computers. I am applying the configuration profile at the "Computer Level". All of the settings were entered directly in the JSS. I am setting just VPN with 1 payload. I enter...  View more

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How to remove Auto-Run from clients?

Is there a way I can remove the auto-run setting from clients via the JSS? This past summer we checked the box for auto-run to remember the settings for reimaging, but now want to strip that so that doesn't happen at reboot/reimage. Any assistance wo...  View more

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Customizing Lion login window background image

I need to find a way to change the login window background image resolution to fit for every screen size, or different monitor that might be connected. So far I am either getting tiles or oversize or fits (if I match the computers screen rez). I have...  View more

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Script to Mount AD H: Drive

Hello Wonderful JAMF nation!! I am really needing some help with a script that I have written to Mount the network home Directories. The script works, but I am needing there to be a persistent alias of that network share either on the Desktop or on t...  View more

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Enable Certificate-based communication

Hi EveryoneDoes anyone have first hand experience of running 10.6 casper macs bound to OD and adding 10.7 macs with Computer level management driven by casper?I have an existing environment running 10.6 but it wont support 10.7 so i need to manage th...  View more

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How many of you are pushing Lion to users?

Cheezbugga'...cheezbugga'...cheezbugga'... https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/article.html?id=173 OK we have several dozen existing Snow Leopard (10.6) users in a department who are asking to be upgraded to Lion (10.7), and they want it done "in pla...  View more

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Deploying image with Bootcamp partition

I've been fighting this one for hours now, to no avail. Every time I try to create an image with a Bootcamp partition created with version 3.2 of Winclone, the imaging gets to the stage to deploy the Bootcamp partition, and blips past it. I've tried ...  View more

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