Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Deploying applications PKG

I have followed the admin guide attempting to deploy an application as a PKG I created in Jamf Pro. After creating the policy it remains in a pending state. Our macs are all user initiated enrollment but I was under the impression this could still be...  View more

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Backblaze Private Key Setup

Hi! We're deploying Backblaze to our users so they can be backed up. They gave me a line to go in a script to set the private key for the users automatically. What's the best way to get this working? The part they gave me was, "/Library/Backblaze.bzp...  View more

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ForeScout API Integration Feedback?

Does anyone have any experience with ForeScout's API Integration with Jamf? Our network recently purchased licensing for it, but I have no idea about what to expect. We have used the FS SSH keys+service account, and currently use the SecureConnector....  View more

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Setting Homepage for Chorme and Firefox in Jamf

Hello, I have been given a task to set all users homepages to our company website through all browsers. Most of my users use Chrome and Firefox for the Internet. I tried to create a package of a new Firefox dmg with homepage enabled but it failed. I ...  View more

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Catalina - AppleID, Screen Time and Side Car Grayed Out

Hello,Upgraded from Mojave to Catalina and AppleID, Screen Time and SideCar are grayed out. I ran- python -c "from Foundation import CFPreferencesCopyAppValue; print CFPreferencesCopyAppValue('DisabledPreferencePanes', 'com.apple.systempreferences')"...  View more

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Enable Private Data in Unified Logs (how-to guide)

Hi All! I finally figured out how to enable (show) private data in Unified Logs in 10.15.3+ now that cmdReporter's private API tricks have been disabled and thought I should share. You can load this config profile locally with no issue, but this conf...  View more

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Give secure token to logged in user

Hey everyone!I want to roll out FileVault to all my users, however since they are AD users most of them do not have a secure token. One saving grace is all of our computers do have an account that does have a secure token called ITsystem. Is there a ...  View more

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Hide Mojave Jan 2020 Security Update

Hi, I am attempting to temporarily hide the latest Mojave Security Update. Previously I have been able to do this with the following in Terminal:sudo softwareupdate --ignore "Security Update 2019-001" However I am attempting to replace the 2019 with ...  View more

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Netapp file share issues SMB

Our company upgraded Netapp recently and it caused some of my Mac users while connected to a file share lose permission to files/folders. It was fine before they upgrade now the shared files have a red slash deny them access. After they unmount the r...  View more

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Re-enrolling for Catalina

We have been using Jamf for some time and have all our current computers successfully enrolled. At this point the overwhelming majority of Macs are running Mojave. The Macs have all been enrolled used a QuickAdd package. We are now preparing to allow...  View more

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Digital Content Distribution

Hi everyone, This is not a Jamf related question, but since there's so many smart people here, I thought I'd ask anyways, hope it's OK. I have a question on something we’re trying to figure out, and maybe someone else is already doing something that ...  View more

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Restart Prompt for End Users Mac post their confirmation

Hello, I have a package which need to have restart post installation. But i would like to have an option from end user's to decide whether they want to restart the mac now or sometime latter.. If we force to restart the mac their could be an impact f...  View more

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Install Apps Best Practice

Hello, i would like to get your guys opinion on what would be the best practice on installing the apps. Here is my scenario.I need to have certain apps to start installing right after management profile creation i.e. Management profile gets created, ...  View more

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A Guide for Custom Screen Savers

There is a lot of information about custom macOS screen savers and how to implement, but it took me a long time to sort through everything and find answers, so i am posting my findings here. I am going to try to keep it simple. Task: Deploy a custom ...  View more

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Add Printer via command line MacOs

Hey, I would like to add a printer via command line. Now I find several lpadmin scripts on the web that make this possible, but I haven't succeeded yet. So I hope I can get some help here. If I now want to add a printer via the GUI, I can do this wit...  View more

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MacOS 10.15.3, demoted local user can not log in

Hi guys after enrolling our Macs on 10.15.3 the local user is admin, getting the secure token and the bootstrap, but we want to demote the local user to a standard account, after demotion the user is not able to login anymore. admin is on 501 bootstr...  View more

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CPU Usage

We are looking for a way to monitor the CPU usage around a particular service. Understanding that JAMF would only be able to capture a moment in time we can average the data out. Has anyone been able to effectively do anything like this without the u...  View more

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ISO self service

I have an ISO file that I would like to deploy in self service, I was wondering what best practice is to convert the file to dmg?  View more

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com.jamf.aad.errors code=1

This error shows up in JSS log while trying to register device with Microsoft Company Portal (which installation worked fine). The device shows up fine in intune portal nevertheless. Anyone ever crosses that error message and knows how to remediate t...  View more

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syntax question in bash

Hi all. If $currentuser is not (user1 or user2 or user3),then... what would be the correct syntax for this one? I struggle hard, but cannot get this to work properly (the $currentUser variable itself works fine) Thanks for any advise. Best regardsChr...  View more

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Enrollmen Customization (LDAP Authorization)

Hi, I'm testing an enrollment setup with an enrollment customization that contains an LDAP authorization pane. I have added the Domain Users group to the customization so that any user is allowed to use it. The pane shows up, but when I try to author...  View more

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Disable KeyChain export private keys and certificates

Hi all,Is there any way to disable export option for some private keys and certificates in KeyChain?I tried to import the keys with -x option (Specify that private keys are non-extractable after being imported.) security import -x At the first right ...  View more

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Deleted prestage, way to recover it?

Ill start off that Im pretty sure I know the answer for this already but here it goes. My coworker was removing machines from a prestage and got lost doing something and forgot where/what he was doing. He then deleted our Student prestage (2800 machi...  View more

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Lost ability to use sudo command

A random number of Macs in my environment have lost the ability to use sudo from a terminal. I have tried local admin user, ARD send Unix command as root, and JAMF Remote. I am trying a simple jamf recon and the result is:sudo: 4294967295: invalid va...  View more

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