Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Monitor resolution

We currently have a lab with several machines and an instructor workstationin the front. This WS is connected to a projection unit that can only do1024x768 so when I build my image I need just that machine to be at 1024x768(the rest are at higher res...  View more

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Changing platforms

Hi, I've made a royal cock-up and I'm hoping someone can save me hours of fun. We built up our original OS package but for some daft reason it was madeIntel instead of Universal. I've since lost the notes on what changesexactly were made to the defau...  View more

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Casper Imaging

I continue to recieve the error "StackOverflowException the applicationmust shut down" at the end of imaging machines. It stops when copying thejamf.conf file, which never happens. It never finishes the install leavingthe system unblessed and the inv...  View more

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Two Questions. Firewalls and Blacklisted software.

I was wondering if you can set up a policy to force the firewall to turnback on if it is turned off. Our laptop users are all admins and could goin and turn off their fire wall. Also we are going to implement a blacklist. Just wondering what programs...  View more

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Pre-install partitioning

Hi, Somebody here on the list was after getting the source of the scripts we usefor partitioning disks before imaging, but I seem to have lost your emailand I can't remember whether I ever sent them to you... Mail me off list if you still want them.D...  View more

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Aborting image process from a script

Hi chaps, We've got a script that runs before imaging to get the partition scheme welike set up. In order that we get the correct partition scheme type for theplatform we're imaging (APM for PPC / GPT for Intel) we run a little routineto check. I'd l...  View more

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Blacklisted apps

Here's a list of what we currently blacklist. Skype Azureus Tomato Torrent Transmission BitTorrent Bits on Wheels Xtorrent Acquisition BitRocket Cabos ShakesPeer FrostWire Phex Acqlite iSwipe XFactor -- David NorrisSystems EngineerCrispin Porter + Bo...  View more

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Hello all, I've had this little issue off and on for a while, and I'm not sure what causes it. But I've had enough of it, so I wanted to see if anybody else had seen this. When looking at the Policies on the JSS (Management tab, Policies), I see this...  View more

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Windows to Mac migration

I'm looking to migrate users from Windows XP to Mac OS X. Does anyonehave tips or suggestions? Detto Technologies offers a product calledMove2Mac (http://www.detto.com/outlook-mail-to-mac.html) Does anyonehave any experience with that product? Tom  View more

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Recon issue

I'm finding more and more that when we run Recon 5.03 after imaging with Casper or running the "Casper/Recon QuickAdd" package that it isn't finding the hidden casper user account. The status light is gray and says there isn't an account that matches...  View more

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Before script running both before and after...

Hi, We've got some scripts that run before imaging and some for after to dopartitioning, writing fstab file etc etc. I've just noticed though that oneof these which is prioritised for running before is also attempting to runafter imaging. Anybody got...  View more

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Managed or Unmanaged

Hello all, I am looking to use policies to add software to our 200 Macs quickly and easily. After doing some testing I realised that if a Mac was in a non managed state then the policy would not run. While trying to get all the Macs in to a managed s...  View more

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Packaging iLife

What are people doing for packages of iLife '06? I had read in several areas online that others trying to do installs of iLike other ways than the apple installer had not had much or any success. Has anyone here? If you have a package that works, wou...  View more

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universal image

we use one image for laptops and desktops. we have two netboot, restore and base images. one for each architecture. netboot has casper, disk warrior and file salvage. it also has our scripts for hd formating and windows imaging (if dual boot) restore...  View more

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Universal OS Image - for laptop and desktops

Wanted to see if any of you have developed an OS package that you usefor your laptops and desktops. How about a universal image for thedifferent chip sets, PPC and x86. I hear there is a universal installerbut have not researched this much. If so, ca...  View more

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Firefox preference issues

I created a Firefox package, with options set to fill user directories and templates. When creating the preferences in Firefox, I set downloads to ask each time. Now, when logged in as the student user, every time I click on a download, I get the err...  View more

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binding to ad woes

i can bind os x to ad sometimes and not others. the closest i can see is if done using casper it does not work. manually it does.here is what the system log file sez. ofcourse there is no automount anywhere that i can see.... has anoyone seen this be...  View more

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AFP copies start, then stall

Hello, Has anyone else ever run into this situation? When copying certain files from my Casper server (Mac OS X Server 10.4.10 on an Xserve G4), the files begin copying, but then hang. I first noticed this with an OS package I put together in Compose...  View more

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BootCamp split script

Not sure if this has been talked about before. . . Does anyone have a "before" imaging script that will split the internalhard drive for boot camp? We want to split by percentage (65% Mac, 35%Windows) then image the Mac side with Casper, then run Net...  View more

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Packaging FlashPlayer

Wondering if anyone has packaged FlashPlayer and if any tips or gotchas Ishould be aware of? My first attempt of packaging I learned that I need to select 'Newand Modified files' instead of 'New Files'. Selecting 'New Files' resultedin prefe...  View more

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Packaging Final Cut Studio 2

Has anyone been able to successfully package the Audio Content from FCS2? I am trying to save the package to a different partition (due to size) and Composer errors out. Thanksam-- Amoreena SenumCLA, ITSMinneapolis Community and Technical College#T.3...  View more

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Block copy of OS package failing

Hello all, I've just installed Casper 5 but are having some odd quirks with imaging. For info we use a universal netboot image (running 10.4.9) to boot the Mac and run Casper as a login item. However the first time the Mac booted, Casper behaved as f...  View more

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Licensed software

My I'm a busy list poster today... I've just started playing around with the new 'Licensed Software' options inv5 and I've got a bit of an anomaly. I've added our iWork licenses in and then added both Pages.app andKeynote.app as Software Definitions,...  View more

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Packaging Parallels

Hi, I just noticed a post over on the Mac-Enterprise list about packagingParallels and I realised that we would be needing to do this soon. Wondered if anyone had tried this yet and had any pointers or tips andtricks. CheersDan-- Daniel FarnworthIT M...  View more

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Adobe Acrobat 8 Tip #1

Not sure if these types of things are super helpful. If they are cool, letme know. When creating a package that includes the new Adobe Acrobat 8 application,and you'd like it to act similarly, i.e. Settings and user preferences, onboth PPC and Intel ...  View more

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wiki, forums, lists

i want a wiki for "how to" of specific jamf products. or a public repository of cleaver scripts. like our cs2 cleanup or dual boot imaging script. best practices etc... i like this list for discussions. there is a archive and search. search dosn't wo...  View more

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Do We Need The JumpStart

Hello. I'm the computer instructor at the Manlius Pebble Hill School inDeWitt NY, just outside of Syracuse. This past fall a colleague at theHorace Mann School in NYC suggested that we look into Casper as a wayof configuring and administering our 100...  View more

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Santa Rosa Systems and 10.4.10 in general...

Hello All, This is more of a heads up than anything really. If you plan to update yourOS 10.4.X images to be compatible with the new Santa Rosa processor laptopsamd still want the displays on your old laptops to work I recommend NOTputting on the 2.2...  View more

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Writing to jamf log from scripts

Hi, Does anybody know if there is an explicit way of writing to the JAMF logfrom shell or Apple scripts? CheersDan-- Daniel FarnworthIT ManagerThe Creative Partnershipdaniel.farnworth at thecreativepartnership.co.uk http://www.thecreativepartnership....  View more

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BootCamp & Casper 5

Has anyone worked with computers with BootCamp partitions on them and Casper 5? Just wondering if there are any surprises before I give it a try. Also, what was your experience with using Casper 4 on computers with BootCamp partitions? Thanks for any...  View more

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