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Forum Posts

Enrolling windows machine into JSS

We have been already been pushing installer packages to enrolled mac devices, but now we are expanding to push them to windows devices.What is the prevailing procedure to enroll the windows machine, so that it can be managed from JSS, other than usin...  View more

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9.100.0 Release Missing Recon.exe?

Is Recon.exe for Windows machines slowly dying out with no more such option in the future? So far the latest release where it works is 9.61 and it is sort of working, it captures the machine name/hardware specs ok, but the user information has to be ...  View more

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Recon.exe Replacement

With Recon.exe being depreciated in 9.99.0, I thought it'd be a good idea to float this again to see what suggestions people have. We're looking for a Windows management option that scales down well--we're only talking about fifty or so machines. PDQ...  View more

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Newbie NetBoot question

Hi All, I am updating an older JSS server, and one of the issues is the server will not boot our newer machines over the network by holding the N key as the NetBoot image needs updating. Our ultimate goal is to startup the machine over the network an...  View more

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Date and Time for this?

Date says 09/16? Is there a confirmed date, time and location yet for the event "Apple TVs in the classroom"?  View more

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