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Forum Posts

Restoring: Best Practices

Hey y'all! So we have been recently restoring 10+ computers every Friday through Internet Recovery/Recovery Mode. This has started to be taxing on our network and is pretty hands-on. How do you handle erase and installs? What is the best practice for...  View more

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NetSUSLP broke my ISC-DHCP-Server's service

Hello, guys My ISC-DHCP-server had been working very well until I installed NetSUSLP 2 days ago. After the installation of NetSUSLP via the run package, my DHCP service provided by ISC-DHCP-Server failed to work. sudo systemctl status isc-dhcp-server...  View more

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macOS Recovery Boot Options

I've been wanting this for a long time, but didn't know it exists already! For whatever reason I could never find it when I tried searching for recovery boot for newer OS. I figure, I may not be the only one who can't find it and needs to know the di...  View more

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NetInstall PostFlight Scripts?

I am trying to add a script to my Mojave NetInstall image that will remove the firmware password. I have an Expect script that I use that works well. I can build the NetInstall image without any scripts, but when I try to add any scripts System Image...  View more

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Internet Recovery with APFS disabled

Dear Community Members, is there a way to install a Mac, via Internet Recovery, but without the Conversion of the Flash Drive to APFS - because we need to use Deep Freeze for Mac & it does not support the new File System. Also is there a Script I can...  View more

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Is System Image Utility going away with macOS Server?

Hello everyone, Does anyone know if System Image Utility will be dropped alongside most, if not all, of macOS Server in a future release? (Details: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208312) I've already setup a Linux VM running NetSUS and that seems ...  View more

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2017 Macbook Pros with 10.13 downgrading to 10.12

My company is starting to use the 2017 Macbook Pro's (USB-C) and our current imaging setup is no longer cutting it, but we are also not yet ready to move to 10.13. Currently we use Casper Imaging to lay down 10.12 along with a number of apps, but the...  View more

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Macbook Pro won't netboot

2017 macbook pro with touchbar won't netboot. We only have two in the district as of right now and this is the first time I've had to try to reinstall the OS. When using internet recovery over a wire it claims 9+ hours and then errors out. I created ...  View more

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HELP With Imaging

Hi everyone, I need some help. I’ve used DeployStudio to do thick imaging for years, and while it’s been less than ideal, it’s worked. I stared using Casper about six months ago, and wanted to do thin imaging. Problem is, it’s a mess. I’m netbooting ...  View more

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NetInstall / NetRestore Process for installing Vanilla OSs?

For a while now I've been using the createinstallmedia tool built into Install OSX installer apps to build bootable OS installers from USB. However, I want to create either a NetInstall or NetRestore image such that I can boot machines to our Netboot...  View more

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NetSUS and NBI creation with Sierra

Hello All! I am quite new to JAMF Nation as my organization has just signed up for Casper. I am trying to figure my way through establishing a Netboot/Netsus server and I am running into some issues in an attempt to create a netboot image (.nbi) to e...  View more

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Enrollment Profiles in El Capitan

Is anyone else having issues with automatically enrolling workstations with an OS X Server or 3rd party enrollment profile? I've done everything I can think except for rebuilding the server from the ground up. I've tried using the DeployStudio automa...  View more

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Netbook not working across VLANs

hi, can anyone tel me the root cause of why the netboot is not getting detected in across vlans. even though we have done all the settings in DHCP scope. But it works when the netboot server and client are in same VLAN. what is the solution to make t...  View more

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Hello. After updating to Casper Suite 9.8.1 I cannot Netboot anymore. I get a kernel panic stating that there was NFS Failure and unable to mount NFS server. JAMF support recommended I just create a new Netinstall with AutoCasperNBI from MacMule. I h...  View more

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Does CreateUserPkg.app work with 10.10.3?

So I need to both create a new user and have that user autologin on first boot (web kiosks and digital signs). I have always used (pre-10.9.4) CreateUserPkg.app. However I can't seem to make it work post-netinstall to autologin even when run as a Fir...  View more

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OS X Server 4.1 and 10.10.3

Hello. Anyone also notice that the new version of Server 4.1 is not reading Install OS X .apps that are on the desktop to make NetInstall images? I noticed this after upgrading to the new version of Server and 10.10.3. I am trying to make a NetInstal...  View more

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C. Imaging and partition wiping

Does C. Imaging wipe the partitions when you do the erase drives? In the past (9.63 and lower) we've had to run a script that wipes the partitions and then recreates as one, then we run C. Imaging and it does it's voodoo and redoes the recovery parti...  View more

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NetRestores Appear in OS, but not in EFI

So I'm pushing out a new version of our various images (10.10-10.7). I have a few different versions of each, some designed to repartition the drive, some designed to just do an Erase and Install. I have a handful of Macs that will see my NetRestore ...  View more

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Netboot 10.8.5 from Yosemite 10.10 Server Not Booting

EDIT: To save everyone the trouble who runs across this post posting the TL;DR version. - Couldn't get older macs to boot to a 10.8 NBI or 10.9 NBI on a Yosemite Host running Server v4 unless the NBI I'm using is 10.10. My old macs can't boot or inst...  View more

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Yosemite no-boot image file-system corruption

So I'm finding when I image our Macs with a no-boot image of Yosemite using NetBoot and Casper Imaging, I am unable to write to the file system without corruption. This is causing scripts that apply settings and install products to fail or write corr...  View more

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