Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta is now available!

Hello Jamf Nation! The Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta Release features a number of exciting improvements and enhancements for managing your Apple devices. Starting with 11.8.0, Jamf Pro admins will be able to set a minimum OS for MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads t...  View more

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Suddenly Casper admin can't connect

Hi all, Suddenly without making any changes i can't connect to Casper admin anymore.About a week ago we upgraded from 9.63 to 64, we had no problems after the upgrade.However more or less one week later without making any changes or doing updates thi...  View more

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QuickTime pkg fails cause certificate issue

Dear Casper Folks. Our default Apple QuickTime Package wont´t work anymore. Maybe, the problem is caused by some OS X security, gatekeeper, Xprotec or so update. But i can´t figure out. Maybe some one can give me an advice here, because the Capser Lo...  View more

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Check accepted VPP

Hi Is there a way for me to check which users have not completed the VPP enrolment process? We have recently enrolled 250 devices/users and under VPP invitation it tells me that 72% have accepted the invitation. How can I ONLY see the 28% that have n...  View more

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network state changed in Jam.log

I see constantly in jamf.log 'network state changed, checking for policies.... 'checking for policies triggered by network state change' my network state is not changing, what is causing this? whats considered a 'network state change'?  View more

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9.64 enrollment url

I enable user initiated enrollment, made no changes to 'general' 'messaging' and 'access' tabs', but made changes in the 'platforms' tab Changes are:-- enabled user initiated enrollment for computers-- set mgmt username/password, create mgmt account,...  View more

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Policy to add admin user account

Quick add.pkg adds administrator hidden account, but I also want to add a seperate administrator account through a policy, this account will not be hidden. On macs I am currently enrolling this unhidden admin account is already created and was manual...  View more

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MDM - Profile vs Enrollment?

I'm just updating all of our machines from an old 10.6 base to 10.9 and one of the things I've started pulling is a list of Profiles as an extension attribute. It all seems fine, but I am seeing one inconsistency: some machines show a "MDM profile" a...  View more

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Computers unmanaged after initial enrollment?

Lately when we self-enroll computers, the QuickAdd.pkg install says it failed. Self Service app is installed, but shows no content. On the JSS, the computers are there but with no name, OS info, etc. Issuing a "sudo jamf recon" on the machine resolve...  View more

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Partition Expansion after image

Some time ago, I posted a question about having issues imaging to smaller drives than I built my master on-was getting a message stating that there was not enough space available. I am about to announce support for Yosemite. I sized the partition @ 1...  View more

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Inventory Report to show UIDs

I am trying to run an Inventory Report that will return all UIDs for each computer. When I go to Search Inventory, UID does not show up as an option to display on the report. The username is there but not UID. When I select a single computer, the UID...  View more

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Network Segment Filtering

I am setting up network segments in JSS to use for network segment filtering for software delivery. What is the difference between "IP Address" and "Reported IP Address"?  View more

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JSS Plugin for SCCM 2012 no longer

We configured the JSS Plugin to tie into our DEV SCCM Enviornment a few months ago. Everything worked fine until SCCM started aging out old clients (It's a dev lab and I hadn't turned on the Mac laptop in over 30 days so SCCM aged out the record) Now...  View more

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Script Exit Code

Does the script exit code: 0 mean that the policy was not applied? And does the script exit code: 1 mean that the policy was applied?  View more

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9.6.4 update pulled?

It looks like the 9.6.4 download has been removed and the most current version is now 9.6.3. Does anyone know anything about this?  View more

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Bypass Configuration Profiles when logging in

I have been using a computer-level configuration profile to only allow students to access certain preference panes in System Preferences. I have always been able to log in as root to access the hidden ones if I need to. But now, it is also managed fo...  View more

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Restrict Keyloggers and Other Harmful Processes

I'm starting to grow my restricted processes list and wanted an open discussion to get more input and build a better list for anyone to be able to use. Some background: I do work in a university environment with faculty, staff, and lab Macs enrolled....  View more

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casper scripts and multiline strings

Hi fellow JAMF users, I'm using bash scripts to prep a certain user environment.In order to automate some processes i need to drop a predefined ssh public and private key in this .ssh directory. The way i'm doing this is via a multiline string in bas...  View more

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Caching the OS

I was successful caching just the OS, in order to expedite Casper Imaging's deployment of the OS onto one of our test machines, it reduced the imaging time by 10 minutes. But after uploading an updated factory OS base, I've not had success caching th...  View more

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Granular Control of Switches within the Finder

I know there are a few scripts for helping to run policies to manage a few of the features under the Finder within the "sidebar," but I'm still looking for a few more scripts that pinpoint specifically the "favorites" and the "shared" switches. Any d...  View more

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Adding FIleVault2 Pre or Post Image

When is it best to activate FileVault2? And has anyone run into the issue of your primary admin account repeatedly surfacing first as a single login window before the system displays the username and password field? We do have a script in place that ...  View more

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