Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta is now available!

Hello Jamf Nation! The Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta Release features a number of exciting improvements and enhancements for managing your Apple devices. Starting with 11.8.0, Jamf Pro admins will be able to set a minimum OS for MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads t...  View more

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Airprint Help

We have a Macbook at each VLAN broadcasting some printers so staff and students can print from iPads. However, printers don't always show up on the iPads. Sometimes "Reset Network" on the iPad or just rebooting the Mac helps but not all that often. A...  View more

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Memory issue when running Casper Imaging

Anyone else experiencing memory issues on their server when running Casper Imaging? We are using a mid 2012 Mac Mini with OS X with 16 GB of RAM. Casper is at 9.31, OS X 10.9.3 and server app at 3.1.2. When imaging a machine the memory usage on the s...  View more

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Auto Archive Script for Outlook 2011 for MAC

Hello Jamf Nation, I wanted to as if anybody has a script, that can be used to autoarchive Emails in Outlook 2011 for Mac. Do you have any suggestions if it is possible somehow like this?: tell application "Microsoft Outlook"activateset msgSet to cur...  View more

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Casper Imaging & Winclone Partition Image

HI All, i need some advise on using winclone image on Casper Imaging. I am following the instruction on this link.https://twocanoes.com/winclone/support/using-jamf-casper-suite-and-winclone-pro-to-image-a-lab-of-dual-boot-macs But it doesn't show me ...  View more

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With my school's active directory we use a user creator system, which imports data that has been exported out of our student management system, and creates the users AD account, Password, security groups for their class enrolment and other AD user fi...  View more

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Could not write to /Library/JSS/Tomcat/conf/server.xml

We've run into a couple of issues and we're not sure if they're related. Our JSS is version 8.73 and it's running on OS X 10.6.8. First, our Tomcat Website Certificate has gone blank and says Self Signed. If we try to click the link "Replace with cer...  View more

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iSCSI on the Mac

I know this is a non-JAMF question, but figured this is probably the best place to go for knowledgeable SysAdmins. We are going to be expanding one of our remote sites and are looking at local storage options at that site. At first we were planning t...  View more

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Booting to OS X from Windows once

Hey guys, Has anyone ever tried to boot from Windows to OS X only on the next boot using a command line? From OS X to Windows is [sudo bless --device /dev/disk0s4 --legacy -setBoot -nextonly"] and from Windows to OS X permanently is [c:progra~1Bootca...  View more

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No name in JSS

Hey all, We are seeing a few machines that are coming up as "No name" when imaged (nothing filled out in inventory). Sometimes a recon will work while other times I get some certificate error, and I have to enroll it manually to fix it. This is a pro...  View more

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Chrome and Kerberos Single Sign On

Hello - I am configuring Chrome to use kerberos to single sign on to my workplace home page but it isn't working.We do not want to use MCX due to previous issues using them in our environment. I have set the whitelist domains using:sudo defaults writ...  View more

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Kerberos Ticket Issues - Bind to AD using Centrify

I posted this comment/question on another discussion - https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/discussion.html?id=4080, but don't think it will get any response because that discussion has been resolved. We have an issue where if our users restart their ...  View more

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Script to add password for encrypted volume to keychain

Thought I'd share this for anyone who might find it useful. We have users whose FileVault2-encrypted Macs are backed up with Time Machine to un-encrypted external hard drives. This kind of destroys the point of securing the data on the internal drive...  View more

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Search autorun data

Does anyone know if this is stored locally where it can be accessed through an extension attribute? I would like to be able to search which machines have what autorun data set. For example a smart group that shows all machines set to run a certain im...  View more

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OT: Adium & SIPE for Office 365

Okay, so I'm going to guess that there are some folks out there that have users on Adium using the SIPE plugin as a Lync client replacement. We've had things working fine with Adium 1.5.9 and SIPE version 1.16.1 (and some using SIPE version 1.18.1) f...  View more

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Imaging fusion or SSD drives with Casper 9

I know there probably has been a defect already open for that... but is there anybody who got to thin image fusion or SSD drives properly ? As soon as i try to thin image those drives casper imaging just goes straight through my packages like if it w...  View more

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NYC Metro JAMF User Group : The Threequel

All, We are in the final stages of securing space for the 3rd Meeting of the NYC Metro JAMF User Group. As of now it's looking like it will be the week ending June 28th, and most likely on Thursday June 26th. As soon as that is locked up, we will ope...  View more

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Casper Imaging 8.73 Block Copy Problem

Hi, Running a diskless net boot image 10.9.2 . For some reason when it gets to the block copy of our image (10.9.2) it happens too quickly, just goes through instantly. Anyone seen a similar issue to this?  View more

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Mavericks 10.9.3 + Dock Management

Greetings. Trying to manage dock items with Mavericks and Dockutil 2.0.0 is "doing my head in". Is anyone out there successfully achieving this? Here's a rundown; Dock management working perfectly in 10.8.x with Dockutil 1.1.2. I can add/remove/move ...  View more

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scripts automatically cached

Hey guys, I'm facing a problem where it seems, that some scripts are cached somehow. When I look at the policy Logs everything is fine, my Script is downloaded. But i changed the script recently and the old version is executed. When I download the sc...  View more

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