Jamf Pro
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Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta is now available!

Hello Jamf Nation! The Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta Release features a number of exciting improvements and enhancements for managing your Apple devices. Starting with 11.8.0, Jamf Pro admins will be able to set a minimum OS for MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads t...  View more

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reset home folder permissions

I'm reading through Kevin White's "OS X Support Essentials" https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/apple-pro-training-series/id575890527?mt=11. Amazingly there's always something new to learn in those books. In Lesson 13 he talks about using resetpassword ...  View more

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CrashPlan PROe Self Service Plug-in

Hey all! We now have a Self Service plug-in compatible with CrashPlan PROe. You can find it hanging out right here: https://jamfsoftware-content.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/CrashPlanPROePlug-in.bundle.zip Please note the new PROe plug-in should not be...  View more

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CrashPlan PROe Self Service Plug-in

Hey all! We now have a Self Service plug-in compatible with CrashPlan PROe. You can find it hanging out right here: https://jamfsoftware-content.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/CrashPlanPROePlug-in.bundle.zip Please note the new PROe plug-in should not be...  View more

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Network home directory mounting

Howdy all, I have a 10.8.2 machine that is bound to Active Directory with mobile accounts. It is setup to use the UNC path from AD to derive the network home location. The problem is that when it mounts the users network home directory it mounts the ...  View more

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FirstRun Lock Screen not showing up

I'm running into an issue with some configurations not being able to lock the boot screen for my techs to know that they should not touch the computer things are still happening for imaging. I have a localization DMG package for other languages that ...  View more

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JSS and Sophos

We're running 8.6 on 10.7.5 on a Quad Core Xeon with 20GB of RAM. About a week and a half ago Casper started requiring a reboot in the morning because of non-responsiveness. I can VNC to the box just fine and do the restart, but I'm curious as to wha...  View more

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Can a 'before' script cancel Casper Imaging?

I'm working on a script to perform some disk partitioning, to be run before the main Casper Imaging tasks in the AutoRun workflow. There are certain conditions where the script will exit with an error, but as far as I know, Casper Imaging will then c...  View more

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Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac - hyperlink issue

Greeting all - When trying to open a hyperlink from any of the Office 2011 applications, I am met w/ the following error: Cannot locate the Internet server or proxy server. If I copy and paste the URL directly into any browser it opens without issue....  View more

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Adobe CEO fumbles...

...watch my hands...wait for it...are you watching my hands? http://www.electronista.com/articles/13/02/14/dodges.questions.over.1400.price.disparity  View more

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Casper imaging, netboot and 10.8.2

Hello All. I seem to be missing something simple. I have not been doing any clean installs of 10.8 or 10.7, but now need to start figuring it out. I started by creating a new netboot image that boots the newer hardware with auto login and launch casp...  View more

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OS X and AD integration, slow login times

Hey guys, I am having integrating our Mac's into Active Directory. I am able to: -- Join Mac's to the domain (with no problems)-- Log in to the domain with an AD authenticated user Main Problem: -- When logging in as an Active Directory user, it norm...  View more

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Casper imaging (Curtain screen)

I've been asked to look into ways of changing the curtain screen (I believe it's called). The screen that contains "The imaging process is finishing installing software" on the initial restart. Is there a way the image and/or text can be changed to o...  View more

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FileVault and other users on newly imaged box

I'm netboot imaging a large number of machines. As part of the process I'm creating user accounts, HOWEVER, I would also like to enable FileVault 2 during imaging time. At the end of the day, I'd like FDE to be enabled for my builtin admin user and t...  View more

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Configuration Profiles

Hey everyone! I have been working with configuration profiles lately, and I know that you have to open up ports 2195/TCP, 2196/TCP, and 5223/TCP for the APNS to work and send the config profile to the computers. Understandably so, my networking guys ...  View more

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Chrome Dock item missing in Casper Admin

Casper Admin is not showing the dock item for Google Chrome. I have tried running Casper Admin on multiple Macs with Chrome installed with no luck. Ctrl-click - options - leave in dock did not make a difference. Does anyone out there know how to get ...  View more

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starting language chooser at first boot

Has anybody figured out what files need to be in existence or not in existence and what settings to get Language Chooser to show at firstboot? I have international customers and they appreciate being able to choose their language at firstboot. I also...  View more

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Handling of AppStore

I know that there are some topics around this, but I want to ask for your attitude and handling of the AppStore.The problem is for now that some applications are only available in the AppStore. This could be a little bit pain for us as we are an Agen...  View more

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Casper - Best Practices.

Alright, forgive me if this is a little OT.. I was looking to collate the best ideas that the `Nation has for using and winning with Casper. The Resource Kit, distilled, if you will. What's your favorite/best bit of secret sauce to make Casper do wha...  View more

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Self Service Script Question

I created a simple script to force a machine to update itself from our internal time server. It runs in seconds locally on my machine and when pushed out via ARD. I then created a policy around it and added it to Self Service. The policy does not do ...  View more

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Deploying Parallels VMs

So I have a standard VM I would like to distribute through Self Service. Following the JAMF guide and from previous experience, it's a no brainer on how to package this and upload it to our JSS. The problem I'm encountering is that the actual deploym...  View more

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Application admin rights

Does anyone know if it's possible to give an application elevated access rights? I think it "might" be possible through manipulation of /etc/authorization but i've no clue as to how! I ask because i'm investigating an issue where we need field techs ...  View more

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How to prep a (reasonably) universal Bootcamp image

So after some favourable responses, i'm going to try and explain in a few words how to build a pretty universal bootcamp image. I discovered by accident that the bootcamp drivers out there for 64bit macs only vary in version number and not by much. I...  View more

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Hello All, I am new to casper. I am trying to deploy 14.3.1 office 2011 update via casper remote, but it seems to be failing with nothing in the logs pointing to as why. I am on office 14.2.3 which meets my requirement. am I missing something?  View more

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Collect Current Time

Is there an easy way in the JSS that I can collect the current system time on our computers and display it in the Inventory or some other type of output? Thanks,Chuck  View more

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Auto config Proxy settings for ethernet??

Has anyone been successful in implementing a configuration profile (or anything else that works) that fills in the Proxy settings information for ethernet connections, like Thunderbolt and USB? So far, I am having to manually enter this information i...  View more

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