Jamf Pro
Powerful workflows for IT pros
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Forum Posts

Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta is now available!

Hello Jamf Nation! The Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta Release features a number of exciting improvements and enhancements for managing your Apple devices. Starting with 11.8.0, Jamf Pro admins will be able to set a minimum OS for MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads t...  View more

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Self Service is empty

Self Service normally works great for me, but one end-user was problematic. Each time that particular student launched Self Service, it was empty. No categories. No policies. Searching JAMF Nation, I did not find a fix. Thus, I am now sharing my ulti...  View more

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Export iphone/ipad app list?

Hi, I'm trying to export all of the apps that a user has on their iphone/ipad (including ones installed by the user and through MDM) - is there a way to do this from the casper API and/or website? I see the HTML table of Apps and can't see how to eas...  View more

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Updated MacBook Pros

Apple has updated the MacBook Pros. Juiced the CPUs and dropped the price. I imagine the chipsets are all the same so existing images should work, but be on the lookout.  View more

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Monitor XProtect.meta.plist. Has it changed?

Hi, I was wondering if any of the script gurus on here had written something that would email the admins to this file being changed. I have no issue with Apple blocking software, but what I do find annoying is, machines only check every 24 hours. Thi...  View more

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Upgrading computers to Mountain Lion via Self Service

Hi all, I'm using the "Son of InstallLion.pkg" utility (found at http://managingosx.wordpress.com/2012/07/25/son-of-installlion-pkg/) to create an installer package that will upgrade a user's computer to 10.8. The package itself runs just fine, but w...  View more

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Error Creating Backup of the JSS Database

The backup won't automatically run on the schedule however runs fine when run manually. Error msg below: There was an error backing up your JSS Database. Please see the server for more information. First question where do I check the server for more ...  View more

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Mt. Lion SUS Problems

I know this isn't directly a JAMF issue, but I haven't found any help out there on this.Basically I updated my SUS to Mountain Lion so I can support serving updates to Mt Lion CLients...pretty simple.However, one of the updates has been stuck on the ...  View more

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Policy to Change Account Type?

Not sure if this is possible. We are rolling out MacBooks to students and are making their account a standard user by default. If a student manages to make their account an administrator, is there a way to check that and change it back? Say they figu...  View more

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Kick starting JAMF Helper post image

Hi all, We're building our macs to 10.8.2 BUT the JAMF Helper imaging screen is not always showing. What command can I run as a part of my imaging workflow to make sure it always displays? (The image is a modular one with multiple pkg's requiring to ...  View more

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(semi) Universal Bootcamp image

Hi all, I *think* i've managed to prepare a (mostly) universal bootcamp winclone image of Windows 7. If i'm successful, how many of you would be interested in how to do it?  View more

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Capturing Extension Attribute Errors

Our site recently discovered that stderr output from any extension attribute populated by a script is not being captured. We found this accidentally when we found a syntax error in one of our EA scripts while updating it. We wondered why the JSS wasn...  View more

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Are there any OSX 3rd party patching products?

With updates coming out every week - are there any OSX 3rd party patching products people are using out there? It's not hard to repackage - but it can be a lot to keep up with if your OSX admin also manages other duties. On the PC side, a few managem...  View more

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Smart Groups and MS Office

Hey, Just having some smart/not so smart group issues. Currently I have Outlook updated to version 14.3.0Smart group settings are as followsApplication Title: Microsoft Outlook.appandApplication Version is 14.1.xorApplication Version is 14.2.0orAppli...  View more

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Adobe Flash Player 11.6.602.167

Their main consumer download right now includes a pkg within.Their distribution page has not been updated to this version yet, but the links do go to this new version's download :)  View more

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Replace RHEL server with Mini for JSS?

I need to add a 2nd server for our DMZ and could possibly consider replacing our RHEL 5 (yes - we don't meet JAMF's min specs and that's a pain) and am thinking about pushing to switch out to a pair of Mac mini's (internal/external) for convenience a...  View more

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Setting user level ByHost/.GlobalPreference entry

I'm trying to write a default colour profile entry into /Users/Library/Preferences/ByHost/.GlobalPrefence Does anyone have an easy single fire solution to this? Or is the only way around this to package up the plist and push it out to each machine wh...  View more

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10.8.2 Loginwindow Spinning Beachball

Hi All, I have an AD bind script the automatically binds the Macs to AD. To stop users trying to login whilst this is happening I unload the loginwindow and once bound reload the loginwindow with Launchctl. This has worked fine from 10.6 to 10.8 but ...  View more

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Deploy a .zip from a .sh

Hello, it's possible to hide a .zip archive within a .sh text file. This is a old trick, but still comes in handy every now again. I had to use it today to meet a goal, so I though I'd post this for others while its fresh in my mind. Start off with a...  View more

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Removing desktop icons

Ok, so I made a classic mistake and selected a Smart Computer Group to send a policy, but didn't check the box next to Assign to Selected Computers and instead sent my policy to all Computers. This isn't a huge deal because I was able to send out a p...  View more

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