Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta is now available!

Hello Jamf Nation! The Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta Release features a number of exciting improvements and enhancements for managing your Apple devices. Starting with 11.8.0, Jamf Pro admins will be able to set a minimum OS for MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads t...  View more

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Bootcamp Xp and 10.6.3

I have had solid performance with 10.6.2 with Bootcamp Xp and Bootpicker in labs for quite awhile. It seems like the 10.6.3 update breaks something... At login the computer want starts to go to the OS but loops back to Bootpicker. Any ideas? Tim  View more

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Adobe Air hanging CS4 Install

Having a problem with deploying CS4 that I can't crack. At timesduring the install, whether deployed with Casper Remote or imaging, Iget one of two error messages. If Adobe Air is not installed, I get an error saying that Adobe Air isrequired for thi...  View more

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NetBoot Server Not NetBooting

In the last two days I've run into a peculiar problem that I can't seem tonail down. I have several brand new in the box machines I need to image. Ipull a machine, 27" iMac in this case, out of the box, connect the network,power, keyboard, and power ...  View more

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Messenger 7

The hospital in implementing Microsoft Office communicator server. We are preparing to roll out messenger 7 to all our Mac clients, and Microsoft communicator to the windows clients. There are several settings that are being disabled on the windows s...  View more

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Adobe CS4 Install During Imaging

I decided to take another stab at refining my imaging process and puttingCS4 back in the mix. I have CS4 Design Premium added to the JSS as an Adobeimage. No problem there. However, when imaging a computer, at first rebootthe computer never logs into...  View more

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Setting Safari to Run in 32bit Mode in Snow Leopard

I've been testing my Snow Leopard configuration to make sure there are nohiccups migrating all of our machines this summer and have discovered onepotential problem. There is a piece of math software that runs in a webbrowser and requires shockwave. B...  View more

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List all network user profiles

We are having some wireless networking issues. I need a way to look for a specific userprofile and delete it if it exists. I tried using networksetup –listalluserprofiles, but the profiles are user specific, not computer specific. When I try this thr...  View more

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Leopard and i5 / i7 Macs

Does anyone know if the new core i5/i7 Macs are capable of running Leopard? We've got a few on order and our current Enterprise build is 10.5.8. I'm assuming the recently large 10.6.3 added support and since there hasn't been a 10.5.9 release to acco...  View more

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SophosAV post-install issues

When a new user logs in to a system (10.6.3) that is freshly imaged, they're being presented with a window asking for the location of "System Events". This seems to be related to SophosAV. I know several people on this list are using Sophos, and I wa...  View more

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Imaging and Partitions

What kinds of partitions do you use when you are imaging your macs? For instance, do you have one big partition, or do you have a separate partition for user data? Do you have a restore partition? If you use different partitions, how big do you usual...  View more

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Mapping lastuser to user

Hey guys I am looking for a way to map the 'lastuser' extension attribute to the 'user' field so I can see the names of users I am trying to add to groups. Alternatively change the view when editing computer groups to show the lastuser field as a col...  View more

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Cisco VPN Certs

Has anyone out there created a process to deliver new .pfx files for CiscoVPN? If so, are you willing to share it? The process I see is:1. place the individualized certs on a share2. policy runs where script finds system name3. (policy continues) imp...  View more

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Firewire Drive - JSS Replication

Good Folks, A question for you all out there in the Casper land.We are preparing and expansion that involves remote offices in other countries and have identified JSS Replication on an external drive as a solution to get us off the ground. Down the r...  View more

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Managing Safari Bookmarks?

I hope I'm not missing something totally obvious, but I can't find where to set up pre-configured Safari bookmarks. We deploy (with our current monolithic image) a standard set of Safari bookmarks for users, and I would like to migrate that customiza...  View more

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Recon command line wont -skipApps -skipFonts -skipPlugins

Hi all, Is anyone aware of a reason that if I run the following from command line Casper collects applications etc anyway? usr/sbin/jamf recon -skipApps -skipFonts -skipPlugins I'm trying to update user details in the jss on each login (via a script)...  View more

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Removing old computers from jss

Hi all,We recently replaced hundreds of computers and now need to clean up the jssinventory.Wondering how others go about deleting mass amounts of computer records fromthe inventory.I only see the delete option for each individual computer. Any sugge...  View more

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Leave Bluetooth on but undiscoverable?

Hi gang, Anyone know of a way to script turning off the "Discoverable" option in theBluetooth Preferences. We want to leave Bluetooth on by default, as the newiMacs are coming with the bluetooth keyboard/mouse. But we'd like to uncheckthat discoverab...  View more

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Reporting on Internet Sharing?

Has anyone created any scripts to report on uses and configurations ofinternet sharing by your users? Julius WilponDirector, Technology SupportPearson | Architecture, Engineering & Support1 Lake StreetUpper Saddle River, NJ 07458201-236-7817 Office20...  View more

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Casper MCX, login script, mobile accounts

Hi,A while back JAMF was kind enough to set me up with startup and login scripts so I could enable Casper MCX only where needed, and I could turn off the Global MCX settings. This has been working well enough for my purposes, except for docks...So I ...  View more

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Force Printers Black & White

We have all our print queues setup on Windows Servers and are using ExtremeZ-IP for the Macs. For a number of reasons we have just created separate queues on the serversfor B&W and Color printing and only allow certain AD groups to even "see"these Co...  View more

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software update

what is the best method to disable software update on the client level? I mean completely disable so it never pops up, on every account. I just need the auto checking disabled. It is screwing with one of my scripts and when I do softwareupdate --sche...  View more

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Entourage > Cache Errors > Enrique

DISCLAIMER 4/14/2010 This communication is intended only for use by casper at list.jamfsoftware.com. It may contain confidential or privileged information. If you receive this communication unintentionally, please inform us immediately. Thank you. 18...  View more

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Extension attributes knowledge sharing

Anyone have any good extension attributes they'd like to share so we can all see what works and what could work. So far we've deployed:- identify if an Apple manufactured SSD is present- chat client logging status- detect if a WWAN card has been inst...  View more

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running software update post image script

So Due to my infrastructure and due to this flat package bug on the Apple side, I cannot add certain updates into my compiled image. I also do not have SUS servers set up anywhere, again because of my set up. I don't have the HD space locally and acr...  View more

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How to tell if Time Machine is being used

Hey Guys- Anybody have an idea on how we could tell, using Casper, if Time Machine isbeing used on a system? We have switched everyone over to using Crashplanwant to find anyone who might still be using Time Machine and turn them off. ThxJon -- Jonat...  View more

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Updating Microsoft Apps

What is the best way to deploy Microsoft Updates?Dos this require building a package for each Microsoft app?Currently I run the MS updater manually on each Mac I want to update. Jade  View more

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