Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta is now available!

Hello Jamf Nation! The Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta Release features a number of exciting improvements and enhancements for managing your Apple devices. Starting with 11.8.0, Jamf Pro admins will be able to set a minimum OS for MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads t...  View more

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software licenses

Hi,Any reason, why the JSS is not picking up software licenses being used?? I've deleted and re entered in everything. Thanks, Eric GrahamSenior Systems AdministratorBFA PhotographySchool of VISUAL ARTS214 East 21st Street, 5th floorMailing: 209 East...  View more

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Forward slash in variables

Hi All, I have some scripts that in the JSS i give values various parameters. Set timezone being one, so $4 is my time zone which via Remote works by entering Europe/London, but when entering this value in the JSS for use in imaging i get & error. It...  View more

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Lion background traffic

Our internet is behind a pac flie proxy. When I login as a non AD account I'm getting the prompt for proxy creds. I'm trying to figure out where this traffic is going. I know when we roll this out users won't exactly know how to handle this so I'm ho...  View more

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GSX Equivalent Integration for Windows PCs?

We are adding all of our Windows PCs on campus to the JSS as our definitive inventory system. The GSX integration is obviously amazing for Mac inventory, but I am writing to see if any of you know about an equivalent integration for Windows machines....  View more

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OT: Google Apps Engine gets Cloud SQL

Interesting: http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2011/10/google-cloud-sql-your-database-in-cloud.html---Jared F. NicholsDesktop Engineer, Client ServicesInformation Services DepartmentMIT Lincoln Laboratory244 Wood StreetLexington, Massachusetts 0242...  View more

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Lion MCX

Working on testing policies with Lion and I'm not having any success. Has anyone had success with this? Is there a good repository out there with any resolutions or help? Thanks,Noah SwansonImaging SpecialistEnterprise Desktop ServicesPhone: 309-765-...  View more

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first run delay

Hi List, Any way of getting the 'imaging process is finishing' screen up a bit sooner? Takes about 10 seconds to kick in, surely this can sooner, I can see peopleTurning Macs off thinking they are built. Thanks. This email and any files transmitted w...  View more

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MS Remote Desktop Client Replacement

Do any of you have experience with CoRD (http://cord.sourceforge.net/)? Itis an open source replacement for Microsoft's RDC. There's a bug in the MSRDC that causes radio buttons to not display properly, even in the 2.1.1version. Just want to know if ...  View more

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Smartcard solutions for Macs

Hi list, I have been working on Smartcard solution for our Mac users but Appleseems to drop the ball completely with Lion. I got it working, but 10.6.8update has broken it :( http://lists.apple.com/archives/fed-talk/2011/Jul/msg00099.html So I will b...  View more

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Installation path not found and BOM errors

Hi Has anyone else had this before? Trying policies for the first time via http of a DP attached to an Apple server. One policy installs launch daemons I packaged up with Composer and they install fine. The problem is with another policy to install t...  View more

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Use CoRD all the time. A very good program. Only downside to connection to a Windows server is always trickey trying to type a backslash :( Tim Kimpton Systems Engineer E: Tim.Kimpton at rufusleonard.com D: +44 (0)20 7956 3014 W: http://www.rufusleon...  View more

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vsdbutil -d alternative

Just wondering if anyone can help with this. I'm trying to setup photoshop and illustrator to use a separate physical hdd for scratch disk space. I created a launch daemon and script vsdbutil -d /Volumes/RLSCRATCH This ignores ownership and permissio...  View more

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MySQL help

Hello all. I've been struggling with a problem with a database table for a while. The plugins table is damaged. The good news is that I don't want the data. The bad news is that jamf wants me to repair it, which last time failed and this is causing i...  View more

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gsx updates...

Hi everyone, Our GSX lookups are no longer working in Casper since Apple changed thesite services. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? It appears thatwe still have web service available to us. Do we have to re-apply for anewer web services perm...  View more

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Use Casper to change networking

I'm trying to do all my post imaging configuration with scripts. One scriptchanges the network location and sets up some proxies. Trouble is that afterthe script runs the ssh session terminates. The location change sends a newdhcp request or somethin...  View more

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Network segments question

If a policy's network limitations "allows it to execute from ANY IPaddress", but the computer's IP address is one not in any range defined bythe JSS's network segments, will the policy run on that computer? I wouldthink not since the network segment ...  View more

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Casper Suite, Internationally

I will be consulting with JAMF directly, but in the meantime I'd like to hear real-world experience feedback from anyone here… I'm managing 1 Master JSS with 9 apple server distribution points across the US, supporting 500 clients. I'm being asked to...  View more

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Packaging Adobe Lightroom 3.5

Hi List, At the moment i must packaging Adobe Lightroom 3.5 for a group of users. I've created a package with composer. Deploy it with FUT and FEU. But when I start the App I have to insert the serial again. Does anyone had the same problem? Thorsten...  View more

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Fwd: Google Chrome / Kerberos

I though i might be able to create the following mcx preferences but I cantget it to work. [image: Screen Shot 2011-10-06 at 08.00.50.png] http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Chrome/thread?tid=592eb87350d9d528&hl=en ![external image link](attachmen...  View more

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Recon Issues 8.22

Guys, I am getting the following error all of a sudden with certain MacBooks. CheckJAMFDotConfTask - Unknown error: dyld: shared cache file was build against a different libsystem.dylib, ignoring cache THOUGHTS ??? ANDREW JEZARD(MacBook Program Admin...  View more

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Detecting pirated apps

Not sure how you can deal with it if they have admin rights. You need to get a handle on that. No one where I am has admin rights not even me. The way I get around is they log in with mobile accounts and machines are syncd to the Windows Domain using...  View more

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Fw: Adobe Internal Update Server

Got it working it was the latest Adobe Application Manager I packaged up wrong. All works as expected on Mac Osx server 10.7 :) Tim Kimpton Systems Engineer E: Tim.Kimpton at rufusleonard.com D: +44 (0)20 7956 3014 W: http://www.rufusleonard.com F: f...  View more

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Defaults write as user from policy

Hi guys, Pretty sure I used to have a way of running the defaults write command as the logged user from a policy, but I can't remember it! So far, I've tried grabbing the logged in users shortname.. Then running the defaults command with the full pat...  View more

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NetInstall Image Creator question

Good Morning, Here is my problem, I just got my first MacBook Pro that was installed with Lion. I reverted back and installed Snow leopard (10.6.8) so I could take advantage of the Thunder Bolt and other drivers. I then created a OS .dmg file to use ...  View more

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Google Chrome / Kerberos

Hi Casper people I have been trying g to get Kerberos working in Google Chrome by using theWhite list to allow authentication using the command below open -n -a 'Google Chrome.app' --args --auth-server-whitelist=".domain.com"--auth-negotiate-delegate...  View more

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Removing Software update catalog

So I'm in the process of migrating everything to Reposado. Being able to control who gets what with multiple branches is really going to help out. Since reposado syncs to the entire library, I was wondering how I safely clear out the existing updates...  View more

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Casper hardware setups

Long time lurker, first time poster. I am considering a Casper implementation, and I was curious about how people have configured their setups. Most of our servers are now virtualized (running in VMWare ESX), with the exception of our Mac servers (th...  View more

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