Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta is now available!

Hello Jamf Nation! The Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta Release features a number of exciting improvements and enhancements for managing your Apple devices. Starting with 11.8.0, Jamf Pro admins will be able to set a minimum OS for MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads t...  View more

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Deploying Microsoft OCS Client

I have not yet begun looking at deploying OCS client to my macs... but it has been requested. Has anyone had to do this yet? I'm sure I could probably just push the package Microsoft gives us... but I'd like to at least enter the server name and such...  View more

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Trimming List Posts? - A Case Study

My workplace, about a year and a half ago, wanted to move one of the mailing lists to a forum. We did it and based it upon Simple Machines Forum. The traffic that was on the mailing list never translated to the traffic on the forum and it's been a wi...  View more

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Professional Courtesy

Hello everyone, Wow is it tense in here or is it just me? I just wanted to remind everyone that this is a public list serve,things posted here are easily googled. Also comments may read likethey were being made by JAMF when in fact they are the opini...  View more

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Removing items from the dock

I have sort of a dilemma. Some of our labs have both iWork '08 and iWork '09 installed on them. This causes problems because iWork '08 is sometimes being the default to open up keynote files and pages files, which brings up an error is they were savi...  View more

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Trimming List Posts?

Hi y'all! I get my Casper list in digest form, a few emails each day.Just received this one: Casper Digest, Vol 36, Issue 19Claimed to have 5 new posts, but there were entire digests inside this digest, 49 numbered messages, MANY forwards, and long s...  View more

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Missing packages

Hi, I have a config that I thought did not include a couple of packages as they did not show as part of the config in Casper Admin or indeed in Casper Admin at all. When I imaged a machine though using this config these packages were installed on the...  View more

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802.1x system profiles

Is anyone working with 802.1x authentication in your environments? Ifso how are you handling deployment? Also I was working on automating this via a script or program and raninto some issues with the new CLI options in 10.6 What I'm having trouble wi...  View more

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User account preferences

All, I have a master user account called macadmin with all of my user preferencessetup and configured. Is it possible when creating a new account it has thesame user preferences as macadmin? Thanks for your time, Jon  View more

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Timed Policies Not Running

I have created a policy to cache our CS4 installer to a set of machines. The policy is set to run every 15 minutes of every day against our internalLAN only. It is also set to run only once per computer. However, it hasnot run at all. I've let it sit...  View more

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Use of login or logout events

I am writing to get a better idea of how to use login or logout events. Currently I have a script that I want to run at login/logout that removes Acrobat Pro as the default PDF viewer. JSS reports that this script has run quite a few times but I stil...  View more

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PGP deployment

Hello all, I wanted to see if anyone out there has deployed PGPG whole disk encryption successfully? I am using ver. 9.12, I am getting ready to deploy PGP to the laptops in our environment. I have tried pushing the .pkg file and that did not work. I...  View more

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Problems Adding Printers in 10.6.2

Has anyone else had any problems adding printers in 10.6? I've got printerdefinitions that work fine under pre-10.6 systems, but just do not seem towant to work under 10.6. This is a combination of LPR printers and straight HP printers connected viaB...  View more

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Adobe Survey on Volume Deployment

Here's your chance to be heard! http://blogs.adobe.com/OOBE/2009/12/survey_for_volume_deployments.html"To set a baseline as well as gather data from a broad array of system administrators, we put together a survey to understand where are the costs cu...  View more

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Self-help for Helpdesk folks

Is anyone using the Casper Self-Help feature to enable Helpdesk staff the ability to "give" software to a user? The software would be packaged by a group that handles packaging. The Helpdesk would need be able to queue up the package so the user can ...  View more

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anyone know how to cancel out of a policy if certain criterea aren't met?? for example, i want to run a script at the begining of a policy that checks if anyone is logged in and if so terminates the policy's execution. it would NOT, however, log that...  View more

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Pushing Apple Updates

I have the update server set in the JSS, and it is pointing to our local update server instead of apple's. I have it set to automatically download updates in the system preferences. How do I set it to automatically install new updates as they become ...  View more

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Font Deployment

Anyone out there deploying fonts in Casper? I've had trouble deploying fonts for use with Fontbook because of the font book database and undocumented ATServer. Lately I've been baking them into the base image but for 10.6 I'm going with a real base i...  View more

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Stopping a machine while imaging

What is the best/safest way to stop a machine from imaging during theimaging process? In the past, I manually shut down a computer and the harddrive seemed to fail. I'd like to think it was coincidence, but it may nothave been since the hard drive wa...  View more

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Netboot: Dual Boot Deployment Issue

Hello All, I ran into an interesting situation while trying out the new method of DualBoot imaging in Casper 7.1.. In Casper 6.1 I had been using NetInstall sets to image our Intel machinesand had a script that would run initially to split the hard d...  View more

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AD Network Home in Dock & Casper 7.1 MCX

Is anyone else having problems w/ Casper 7.1 and having the AD network home folder show up in the dock? We have AD accounts and the machines are managed by Workgroup Manager. Other WGM settings apply fine, but not the network home folder. We are cont...  View more

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Invalid AdobeCode when trying to deploy CS4 Standard Suite

We are running the Casper 7 suite and I am trying to set up CS4 DesignStandard (Volume License) for deployment via policy. I'm new at Casper andthink I am doing everything right. Step 1 ­ I added the .dmg file to the Casper Server. Step 2 ­ I told th...  View more

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VMWare blast out - still asks for License

I have successfully made my VMWare packages and I can blast them out; however, when I open VMWare for the first time on a machine it still asks for the VMWare volume license even though I followed the guide and put the 'license.txt' file where it sho...  View more

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In-place upgrade to 10.6 snow leopard server

I am planning on doing an in-place upgrade of my current 10.5.8 XServe running JSS 7.1. Has anyone had any issues in doing this or is it easier/better to format and clean install the OS and then reload the JSS? Please advise on best practices, and an...  View more

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10.6 Software Update

Has anyone had a problem with Snow Leopard clients going against their own Software Update Server and OS updates not being visible? I ran into this where I had a 10.6 client pointed at my 10.6 server with the CatalogURL in /Library/Preferences/com.ap...  View more

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packaging up firefox with add ons

So, I am trying to package up firefox with some add ons, particularly with public fox. Public fox allows me to lock down firefox preferences so I can manage it. The problem is, the extensions by default install into the home directory, and the user w...  View more

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