Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta is now available!

Hello Jamf Nation! The Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta Release features a number of exciting improvements and enhancements for managing your Apple devices. Starting with 11.8.0, Jamf Pro admins will be able to set a minimum OS for MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads t...  View more

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CS4 installer issues

I have a CS4 premium (2 Disc) installer that I have combined into asingle DMG by following the Combining Multi-Disc Adobe CS4 Installs onJAMF's knowledge base. The problem that I run into is when I add thisDMG to Casper Admin and check the box in the...  View more

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CasperVNC issue with VMware Fusion and Parallels

Hi All, I've been working with the JAMF support folks in regards to this, butfigured I'd post something here. I am having an issue with CasperVNCon machines that have VMWare Fusion and Parallels installed. Themachines are all running 10.5, usually 10...  View more

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smb issues while bound to AD

Hello, Sorry, not really Casper related... Running Leopard 10.5.8 bound to AD. I have seen issues where AD users are recieving messages when they try to copy a file to a windows smb share stating that they may need to be an administrator to copy the ...  View more

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David, We recently upgraded our servers to 10.6.2 running Casper 7.1 andhaven't seen any issues arise as of yet. We have the main JSS on 10.6.2server as well as our Netboot server and several share points.. Jason WeberTechnology Support Cluster Speci...  View more

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Determine the default mail application

At my company, we allow employees to use Entourage or Mail.app. Ideally, down the road we want to target installs to users of Mail.app or Entourage. A good example is installing Symantec E-Vault Entourage client on Entourage users only. I know you ca...  View more

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Self Healing Packages in 7.1

Does anyone have experience with setting up self healing packages? Iseem to be doing something wrong here. The JSS Policy log shows: /usr/sbin/jamf is version 7.1 Executing Policy Self Heal Packages... Gathering Self Healing information from https://...  View more

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Computer Groups - Desktop and Laptop

Does anyone have an easy way to create a computer group for only desktop andonly laptops? Currently, I can use smart groups and specify individual models to definethe desktop family (same for laptop), but I will have to manually update themodels when...  View more

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Login item to mount smb share

Hello, I tried creating an mcx setting that adds a login item to ~/Library/ loginwindow.plist This did not turn out so well and I was wondering if anyone has had to find a solution for this before: I need to mount a windows server share (smb) at user...  View more

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Office 12.2.3 updater

Hi- Has anyone figured out what changed in Microsoft's Office 12.2.3 updater? In the past, the updaters were looking for package receipts in /Library/Receipts and if receipts weren't there (but the right versions of the applications the updater will ...  View more

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Is there a way to limit the number of quoted lines?

I hope this comes across nicely, I certainly don't want to ruffle any feathers. When folks reply to a thread, is it really necessary to quote the hundreds of lines, including disclaimers, signatures, and in some cases the entire digest? It makes it m...  View more

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1 to 1 Laptop

Is anyone using Casper Suite with a 1 to 1 program for student laptops? What are you controlling? How smoothly does it work? Thanks, Nelson MillerIT ManagerComanche School Dist I-002(580) 439-2913  View more

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compiled configurations question

So I got a compiled 10.5.8 installation and on some of my machine after imaging them, they don't have the volume renamed "Macintosh HD" they have them renamed boot.efi, and they boot to a flashing question mark. However, sometimes they image properly...  View more

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Naming conventions

Recently I've been tasked with looking at updating our naming convention for the computers we support. Currently in our student computer labs we use a short and simple name (WEM01 for example). WE is short for our building name and M is Macintosh sta...  View more

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off topic....

this isnt a casper question but i was curious if anyone out there new how to change the default location for home folders. i'm looking to use the accounts pane in system prefs to create users but automatically have the home folder made in a non stand...  View more

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Snow Leopard and Recon

Is anyone experiencing any issues when trying to run Recon on a SnowLeopard (10.6.2) machine? I have one Snow Leopard machine in thebuilding and Recon has been running for over 20 minutes. Any suggestionsout there? Thanks, JIM ORING, JR. IT WORKFLOW ...  View more

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Issues with some managed prefs

Hello, I'm having issues pushing some user-level managed prefs. For instance~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.digihub.plist which controls the Discinsertion action. First, I am unable to upload the setting in ManagedPreferences even after converting to...  View more

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Recon on windos as a group policy

I hvae done a extraction of the jamf.exe from recon.exe via the recon.exe /x command, and when i try to start a script with this syntax c:windows empjamf.exe -overrideJSS https://casper.xxx.no:8443 -username setup -password xxxxxx I get an error stat...  View more

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JAMF binary 7.1

Hiya all, I found the verb to install a package using the command linejamf install ­package xyz.pkg... but I get an error 'The package (xyz.pkg) cannot be found.'I see in the jamf man pages that a ­path can/must be supplied to the binary,since I didn...  View more

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Firewall options

To satisfuy, I need to deploy a firewall solution at least to all mobile computers within the enterprise. I have written a script that loads an ipfw ruleset at startup depending on the domain listed in /etc/resolv.conf. This hasn't been deployed yet ...  View more

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Local Admin

Hello I was trying to figure out how I can grant permissions to make a persona local admin with a policy , I was provided this from JAMF Support'sudo dscl . -append /Groups/admin GroupMembership username' but theysaid for me to reach out and see if a...  View more

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Non Admin user and opening Apps

Has anyone run in the issue in OSX 10.6 where an application what Admin user/password to be launched. When clicking on details it says Rights system.privilege.admin. This is happen when a non Admin network user is logged in the Mac.The applications t...  View more

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advanced inventory searches not displaying user name

I am trying to run a series of reports in Casper Inventory that sort the laptops in my deployment by last check in date, and anything that has not checked in to the JSS in over 4 weeks. The report works fine, but it fails to add in the user's short n...  View more

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I start up my computer into Netboot to when I change a configuration Ireceive an error: An exception of class NilObectException was not handled.The application must shut down. Any suggestions on how to fix this? -- Jon Yung  View more

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Remote Management user access with hidden account

I followed the directions athttp://www.jamfsoftware.com/kb/article.php?id=059 to create a hidden adminaccount for use with the JSS. It worked great, but I also want to be ableto set that account as the only account with access to Remote Login andRemo...  View more

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Deploying MS Office 2008 12.2.3 Update

Has anyone had any luck deploying the MS Office 2008 12.2.3 update thatwas released on 11-10-09? I tried dragging the mpkg into composer andconverting it to source but it just builds an empty dmg. I viewed the package contents of the mpkg and there a...  View more

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JSS "Scrubbing" question

Our company Leases our Macs and we have leases 'turning over' all the time... 20 or 30 at a time. I have been on Casper for about a year.I never thought (at the time) about removing the returned machines from the JSS. Now i Have many, many machines i...  View more

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Storing Casper Imaging Password on 10.6.2 Netboot Image

Hello, I am trying to create a 10.6.2 Netboot image for use with the new unibodyMacBook. I have everything setup but cannot get Casper Imaging to launchwithout requiring me to login. On my old NetBoot image (10.5.6) this is handled by a login keychai...  View more

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10.6 Image with Update to 10.6.2

I am trying to create a 10.6.2 image by using the "build train" method in7.1. I have a 10.6 "drop in box" DVD from a MacPro that I have created admg of and added to Casper. I have told Casper it is an Apple installer. Ihave added the 10.6.2 Combo upd...  View more

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