Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta is now available!

Hello Jamf Nation! The Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta Release features a number of exciting improvements and enhancements for managing your Apple devices. Starting with 11.8.0, Jamf Pro admins will be able to set a minimum OS for MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads t...  View more

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Apple Mobile phones - OS supported years

Some time ago I found a chart, where all the bigger vendors of mobile phones was listed, and how many years they officially supported the phones with OS updates. As Far I remember, apple as minimum support phones with OS updates for 5 years - but the...  View more

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Charging issue with Logitech Rugged Combo Case 2

We are in the process of looking at moving toward using the new Logitech Rugged Combo 2 Case for the newly released iPad. This case seems to be one of the most popular cases in education. We were given a sample and immediately began testing it. The o...  View more

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TimeZone and SelfService Time Correction

Hi, TimeZone is an issue. During enrolment location services are enabled. System services are allowed to use Location services. Set time zone automatically using current location is enabled.I get the "current location" right (in Finland), still Macs ...  View more

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Modifying User's Profile Picture

None of the solutions that I've found work anymore in 10.12 (Sierra) or above. Most solutions are something like this: #!/bin/sh dscl . delete /Users/admin jpegphoto dscl . delete /Users/admin Picture dscl . create /Users/admin Picture "/Library/User...  View more

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Get the date when user last changed AD password

I'm trying to figure out a 'one line' command for this. On windows I could:net user username /domainand it shows up in the results in human format On the mac I can do this:dscl "/Active Directory/DOMAINNAME/" -read /Users/USERNAME pwdLastSetbut the f...  View more

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Login Items - High Sierra

Starting to work on a High Sierra image - ran into the roadblock where Configuration Profiles with Login Items will no longer map smb shares. Any suggestions for how to map shares at login for users? See lots of info online but nothing has worked yet...  View more

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iPad Pro WiFi Issues?

As of this year, our iPad Pro's (2nd Generation 12.9-inch Wi-Fi) have started giving users issues with WiFi. We thankfully only have a small number of them but teachers report that they have to restart the iPads multiple times a day because they lose...  View more

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10.13.4 Netboot w/ automator

Trying to build a netboot image w/ automator for OS server netboot. created an imaging using autodmg and creatusrpkg and createusrpkg doesn't seem to generate the user in the autodmg image once it's complete (nothing but public in the Users folder). ...  View more

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Script testing

Hello everyone, I have this script im testing that @mm2270 posted. The script checks for apple updates and if the machine requires a reboot. I would like to know if there is a way to get a reboot script to only execute after the first script has said...  View more

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kickstart command not working

I'm trying to add another user (user3) to ssh access, but for some reason when I run the kickstart command it still doesn't gain ssh access. can someone help tweak my command? /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ARDAgent.app/Contents/Resour...  View more

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Mass Deployment/refresh to iMacs with 10.13

Hey everyone, We are a K-12 district with over 1700 desktops in our schools spread across 10 buildings. We currently use DeployStudio to manage our imaging of machines and Jamf to manage the day to day updates, management. We use DEP for our iPads bu...  View more

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iSight Cameras not working on current version?

Anyone else experiencing this, or can offer some advice? Our config profiles allow the use of the built-in camera, however currently (even on the latest macOS versions) they're not working on any software, see screenshot. They were working fine then ...  View more

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iOS 11.3.1 updates not Caching

Since iOS 11.3.1 was released, updates are not caching to the MacOS server app on 10.12.6 or on 10.13.4 is the caching service. This appears to be due to the url that the updates has changed domains from "appldnld.apple.com" to "updates-http.cdn-appl...  View more

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Alternative to "Kid Pix 3X"

The lower grade kids in our District have been using a Mac app called "Kid Pix 3X," but since compatibility stopped with the release of High Sierra, we're looking for a replacement. Very simple drawing/painting program that allows them to add backgro...  View more

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Is there a way to do this?

I need to check all machines to see if they have a specific plugin(s) installed before they receive a policy. Is there a way to do that? For instance, I want to install google hangouts plugin for safari. I created a policy that uses a DMG file that I...  View more

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Composer Question

Hello, We have a MS Office .pkg and a volume license file that should be saved in the /library folder. I wanted to know if it is possible, and if so how would we create a single.dmg out of these two files that would install MS Office and then save th...  View more

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Jamf with mysql 8.0

Has anyone tested or know if Jamf works with mysql 8.0.11? Maybe it's bad timing that I am initially setting jamf up but I am getting this error: The following error was encountered:QueryException: Could not connect: Access denied for user 'jamfsoftw...  View more

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JMX Monitoring with more than one system

We have been monitoring our Jamf Pro master node with openNMS for the longest time. Recently we switch the monitoring to Jconsole. The switch of course broke openNMS, in an attempt to have both systems monitor the master, we came up with the followin...  View more

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Tonight's event and Parking

If you are concerned about parking for tonight event. You may want to use Uber to get to downtown or one of the Bus Shuttles. Here is a list of shuttles and location please follow this link. If you have question please message me. thanks  View more

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Youngest Jamf Admin in the UK

Hey guys, just wondering if there are any other JAMF admins in the UK that are younger than 20? Trying to prove to my colleagues I may or may not be the youngest JAMF Admin (Jamf 300).  View more

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bash script to check if an app stop running

a brief summary - i would like to check if an application has completely stop running by checking the %cpu. this application when not running is not at 0.0. it idles around ~ 0.4. however, sometimes i see the cpu dips below 0.4 or sometimes 0.0 for a...  View more

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Apple TV - Single App Mode

Is there a way to bypass single app mode locally on an Apple TV. We have a LOT of devices globally and ideally want an onsite-tech to bypass to amend settings rather than having to go via a JAMF admin...  View more

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