Jamf Pro
Powerful workflows for IT pros
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Forum Posts

Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta is now available!

Hello Jamf Nation! The Jamf Pro 11.8.0 Beta Release features a number of exciting improvements and enhancements for managing your Apple devices. Starting with 11.8.0, Jamf Pro admins will be able to set a minimum OS for MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads t...  View more

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downgrade Safari 5.1 to 5.0.5 (OS X 10.6.8)

I need to downgrade a bunch of Macs running OS X 10.6.8 from Safari 5.1 toSafari 5.0.5. Unfortunately, it isn't as easy as dragging the app to the trash andinstalling the other version. The residual files from 5.1 won't allow5.0.5 to be installed. I ...  View more

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[OT] Lion security issues

Found this today http://www.bgr.com/2011/09/19/os-x-lion-security-flaw-allows-anyone-to-change-your-password/?utm_source=pulsenews&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Feed:TheBoyGeniusReport%28BGR+  View more

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Cron job to restart tomcat

Hi All, We are having issues with our tomcat crashing weekly if not twice a week, we are having to manually restart it with jssutil rt I am trying to put this into a cron job so that it can be started every night, but its not working i tried in the r...  View more

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Off Topic: MacBook Pro hard drives

Hi all, I've inherited a gang of MacBooks and Pros that have had the factory hard disks swapped out for Western Digital Scorpio Blue 500GB WD500BEVT.This was done because the previous IT dept were all PC techs ;) and they took a cost effective PC app...  View more

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Adding KeepAlive in LauchDaemon plist

Hi, I am trying to create a Launch Daemon for EnCase binary file. I have to add KeepAlive to the Launch Daemon plist. The process should be alive even if it exists normally (with exit 0) or crashes with error. I tried adding KeepAlive in the Launch D...  View more

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Lion imaging workflow?

Hello, list- I'm trying to get a Lion imaging workflow working in casper, and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for me. Currently, the issues I'm seeing are that the 'ensure computers imaged with this configuration' settings are not working (the a...  View more

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This is funny

Ok who can tell me how little resources are used and the process that JAMF uses to get basic inventory from machines? I ask this because one of the buildings that I will be fully supporting is claiming JAMF has caused their server to have issues and ...  View more

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Wacom Extension Attribute

Hi folks, I seem to be suffering from a brain fart and can't locate info on creating an extension attribute for identifying Wacom tablets connected to units during inventory updates.We did have one in place that I pulled from the list here but we see...  View more

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Acrobat 10.1.1 update problems

Happy Monday Everyone, We have suppression turned on for our Mater Collection installation. It was created using Adobe's AAMEE software. Shortly afterwards, we learned that 10.1 Acrobat came out. So, we needed to turn on the feature lockout function ...  View more

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Piloting Software Updates

We've got one mac server. We're going to begin pushing software updates via this server, but we need to "pilot" these updates first. My question is, without a second server, or policies to execute this manually, is there a better way to push selected...  View more

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boot to option screen?

Is there a way to have the system boot to the boot menu? John Wojda Lead System Engineer, DEI & Mobility 3333 Beverly Rd. B2-338B Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 Phone: (847)286-7855 Page: (224)532.3447 Team Lead DEI: Matt Beiriger Team Lead Mobility: Chri...  View more

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Adding a logoff script

We're having authentication issues at the login screen. Basically, if AD isn't found, the request isn't timing out for at least 10 minutes and some people report waiting "at least an hour." One resolution I've found is to have the airport off at shut...  View more

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VMWare Fusion 4 now supports OS X (client)

Now that we are able to virtualize OS X (legally), has anyone done any testing to see if Casper is able to manage these VM instances? Also has anyone been able to select Portable Casper Drive as target startup disk within the VM? PS, relevance...tryi...  View more

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Certified JSS Administrator (CJA)

Not sure if anyone saw this announcement from JAMF since it doesn't appearto have been discussed here yet: Certified JSS Administrator (CJA) Topics include: Installing and configuring MySQL for the JSS on Windows and Linux Installing and configuring...  View more

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ad plugin managed preferences

Hi List, I'm just realizing that the AD plug-in, Mac OS 10.5 & 10.6, createsmanaged preferences for each AD user. These are stored in /Library/ManagedPreferences. There is a folder for the user's short name there and four.plist files: com.apple.dock....  View more

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Lion imaging not booting

Did anyone figure out how to resolve the issue where using the ESDInstall.dmg in Casper Admin resulted in a machine that would only boot to the recovery partition? I know compiling the image works (just did it) but for testing I'd hate to have to re-...  View more

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Admin users bypass MCX settings

I am only using Casper to apply MCX settings to our Macs, most of the settings are applied as I would like but it would be great if when a admin user logs on they get the option to bypass the MCX settings (for example we only allow certain preference...  View more

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set computer name script - feed back

Hi List, I'm not much of a scripter and pieced this together from the resource kitand google. It sets the computer name to a prefix and the last six digits ofthe serial number. I'm wondering what, if any, precautions I should takebefore turning this ...  View more

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Feature Request: Stronger database crypto

Hi- To my knowledge, the JSS database uses RSA-128 with 1024bit keys to store machine account passwords in the database. While likely strong enough for typical use, in high security environments RSA-128 isn't looked upon favorably due to a recently s...  View more

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setting login keychain for users

What methods you guys using for this? I am looking at a login hook maybe that uses the security command to add in our wifi passkey to that user's log in keychain. Thanks, Tom  View more

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FYI: Office 2008 12.3.1 updater

Had the same issue with the 12.3.0 updater, just deploying the .mpkg as delivered by Microsoft, even if I tweak the permissions of the .mpkg before copying it into the JSS via Casper Admin, it mangles the permissions on the installed apps following t...  View more

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Policy chaining questions

Imagine a policy chain of four policies (for example, "Preflight", "removeSW#1", "removeSW#2", and "installSW") with a manual policy trigger on each policy with a Run Command at the end of each policy that has a jamf policy trigger which leads to the...  View more

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Search Domains

Hey all- Has anyone else experienced any strange behavior with Lion's DNS not searching in root search domains? We have found that if we rely on DNS to provide the search domains for our machines, as we always have, it will only search the provided s...  View more

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Office 2011 14.1.3 update - deployment fails

Hello all,I would like to deploy Office 2011 14.1.3 update the same way I did in the past for version 14.1 and 14.1.2.I simply added the original MS installer (mpkg) to Casper Admin and created a policy to install it at user login. It sounds like the...  View more

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Delay policy execution

Hi guys, I'm trying to recreate the behaviour of Munki/Windows Updater using Casper & jamfHelper. The jamfHelper commad has a delay option. Is there anyway to write the delay to a file, then after the delay passes manually trigger a policy? Regards, ...  View more

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Safari packaging

Dear all,I would need to package Safari including the passwords saved (for a website to be auto login ).I know the password should be saved on Keychain. So I made a package including the Keychain of the user and Safari from LibraryStill not working.I...  View more

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Dual image?

Is it possible to use casper to dual boot Snow Leop and Lion? Or do I need to manually install one? John Wojda Lead System Engineer, DEI & Mobility 3333 Beverly Rd. B2-338B Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 Phone: (847)286-7855 Page: (224)532.3447 Team Lead ...  View more

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