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Restrictions Removal Tool

Some background ... We use a variety of configuration profiles for managing our student iOS devices and when it comes to troubleshooting devices with students, at times we remove restrictions temporarily to gain access to other parts of iOS. While it...  View more

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Citrix Receiver 12.1.0 and Composer

All, Trying to create a package for the new Citrix Receiver. Ran it through the normal snapshot Composer setup and get the attached. Citrix Receiver App in Applications folder has a line thru it. Any ideas why? App shows fine in the Applications fold...  View more

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Computers becoming unmanaged

Hey there, So it looks like most of the machines on our network have become unmanaged, or are running old binaries when looking them up in the jamf console. Is there any way to create a policy that will auto-enroll all machines? I can go the quickadd...  View more

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Casper Focus: Failure Open Selected Website

Classroom iPads enrolled over DEPFocus for Apps and Websites set in JSS (websites set per teacher of course) Teacher requested a focus be created for membean - we added the url to the teachers 'websites' but when focus is requested for the class we g...  View more

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Error Running Recon

I have one computer that errors out every time it runs a recon with the following message: There was an error. Invalid Message - The message could not be parsed. I've re-enrolled the computer and still get the same thing. Anyone see this before?  View more

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JDS Owner and Permisions

Hey All. On the JDS Servers in "CasperShare" folder our packages have different owner:groups permissions. There are packages mit owner _www:wheel and also with root:wheel. Is this okay. Should i change it? Thank you...  View more

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SUS update packages

we've been using software update server for a long time. but sometime we want to check what does the new released update improve or what it changed by the update, there is always not enough information about it. even i can't find them on apple.com Th...  View more

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Microsoft Office Updates

I am trying to build a policy that installs Microsoft Office 2016, then have it install the latest Microsoft Office 2016 update immediately following. I have tried adding "sudo jamf policy -id 123" as a script with the "after" trigger and that didn't...  View more

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Dallas Area User Group - Thursday Dec 10, 2015

A quick reminder that we will be having our next user group meeting in Dallas next Thursday night. We have presentations from Code42 and JAMF lined up, along with free pizza and beverages. You can find more info and register here: Dallas User Group  View more

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Adobe is finally facing the truth

http://www.theverge.com/2015/12/1/9827778/stop-using-flash Maybe in a year or two's time we won't have to worry about keeping "Player" up to date anymore to keep our systems safe from hacks. That will be a good day.  View more

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Casper Imaging 9.81 and an AAMEE Package

Since upgrading to 9.81 Casper Imaging will not run if we have our Adobe CC Package in the build train. The Defect is D-009846. It is not publicly documented anywhere. If you are using Casper Imaging 9.81 and get stuck at either the Temporary Adobe A...  View more

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DEP set up question about server token files

I am trying to set up DEP for some new iPad mini's we just got. The Casper manual says I can create as many instances of DEP as our situation needs. Any body got any thoughts on what situations might dictate another server token? How are people class...  View more

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Adobe CCP vs Adobe Trial dmgs

Guys, With all these Adobe CC updates coming in drips and drabs I was wondering how others were handling it. Do you create individual update pkgs using Adobe CCP? Do you group them together? What about these direct link download links to Adobe's site...  View more

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iPhone vs MacBook

I've been tasked with determining ALL of the rouge MacBooks connected to our corporate WiFi network. While we do have a process for provisioning new Macs, we have a large number of users who purchase them on their own and expense them after the fact,...  View more

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Managed Preference - Desktop Wallpaper - Isn't Changing?

So set the test machine in the scope, we have no other managed preference setting the wallpaper, I selected the Desktop Picture tab and then changed to the following - BackgroundBackground picture information.LevelLevel at which to apply the preferen...  View more

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Deploying Custom .mobileconfig Files

So, I have 2 .mobileconfig files I wish to deploy, one is for the dock that I created and another to change the Desktop Wallpaper, how will i upload these to casper and deploy them through configuration profiles? Only need to go to 15 machines but wa...  View more

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Update mobile apps automaticaly..to much

I am using the following settings:Mobile Device Management -> App Updates -> update all apps automaticaly on 4:30 a.m. In each app i used the force update hook. Now i reached a interesting behavior: This installation is used in a school enviroment so...  View more

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Renaming a Mac computer name and Active Directory

I have worked out how to change a Mac computer name in the JSS console then propagate it out to the client. I noticed that in the example of a name like 'test-name-air', the ComputerName and LocalHostName take this change but the HostName gets trunca...  View more

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Sketch 3 removed from Mac App Store

Per Bohemian Coding's Sketch Blog, Sketch will no longer be distributed via the Mac App Store. We were previously using VPP to distribute Sketch via the Mac App Store, and now that I've tried creating a policy to deploy it as a .pkg via Self Service,...  View more

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