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Forum Posts

Secure Printing and #USERNAME in Url

Hello, long time lurker here. We are setting up a secure print service and part of the setup is to have your username before the print server/queue. I have uploaded the driver package, attached my PPD of my printer configuration and set up the printe...  View more

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Pushing iOS App to a single device

Is it possible to have in app in Self Service, but also push it manually to auto install on 1 device (managed)? So, I want the app in Self Service available to everyone. But we have some users that would like for it to auto appear on their iPad, but ...  View more

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MacBook Pros w/ Touchbar fail AD Binding

I'm experiencing something I've never seen before. When we image a MacBook Pro (late 2016) with TouchBar, they fail binding to AD 30-40% of the time. The OS X image contains all the latest Apple Software Updates. We image by booting to an external HD...  View more

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AppConfig Settings for Pulse Secure VPN?

I recently noticed that Pulse Secure is part of the AppConfig community (https://appconfig.org/members/) I'd like to auto-provision my iOS devices (and Macs?) with my company’s Pulse Secure VPN settings (i.e.; our SSL VPN URL, etc.). Has anyone confi...  View more

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CrashPlan Locked?

We ran into a user today who's CrashPlan was showing n/a in JSS, after he reported that he noticed his CrashPlan was not backing up. We manually uninstalled the application as an admin, and then tried to manually push the application back down throug...  View more

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password change confirmation

Setup:Our mac's are bound to AD and upon password change (via system preferences) we have a custom filter (code) that gets triggered (on AD side) and inserts password hashes in a db. The hashes are synced to OpenLDAP and RADIUS (within minutes & user...  View more

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Apple software update

Hello, i need your thoughts about an actual way of updating the macOS and Apple apps in a production environemnt. Let me discribe our past update workflow. I have used Apples SUS Service a few years. With that solution i could activate or deactivate ...  View more

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Disable users setting passcodes

Hi all, I posted this in the MACADMINS slack group, but though I should try here as well. Anyone know if it is possible to completely disable a user setting a passcode on a device?Last time I looked apple wasn't too keen on the idea, which in theory ...  View more

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List Contact groups?

Kind of an odd request, but does anyone know a script that would list the number of groups that a user would have in Contacts.app?  View more

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Apple TV Configure

I just played around with the new settings and they are a bit underwhelming in my eyes.We don't have DEP so we have to use Apple Config 2 to push the config profile out which is fine.We supervise them at this stage as well. We need to Name the Apple ...  View more

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How to find out where/what the push server is?

Hi all, When looking into Casper JSS, when looking into each Macbook's management command, I'm noticing quite a few error messages"There was a problem communicating with a push server" I understand this is to push Configuration Profiles onto each Mac...  View more

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Restriction Hack, Apple ID

Our school does not allow Apple IDs on student iPads. I have disabled signing in with the Apple ID during initial setup and then push a Configuration Profile to lock the accounts in Settings and hide the Apple App Store. This prevents students from u...  View more

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Replacing Adobe app icons

We've got multiple versions of some Adobe apps on some of our machines, and we thought it'd be nice to have slightly customized icons (2017 added to the bottom corner of the icon for example). It'd be nice if we can replace the icon with a post-insta...  View more

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Testing APNS on Windows Server

I'm trying to troubleshoot APNS on my JSS. I tried to telnet telnet gateway.push.apple.com 2195 / 2196 but all I get is a blank screen on the Windows server. On my Mac I get some acknowledgment that it actually connected. Any other ways to test? Chri...  View more

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Remote Commands

I just have a quick question. A remote command uses push notifications, instead of a check in, correct? As such, if I send a remote wipe command to a system that is off the network, then connect it to the network, how long until it checks in and wipe...  View more

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Mass implementation of Lost Mode on iPads

Does anyone know of a way to turn on lost mode for a large number of iPads without going to each iPad in the JSS? We are thinking of turning on lost mode for a large number of our iPads over the summer so that it would be easy to see if an iPad was s...  View more

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General Question about Webhooks

Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here: #!/bin/bash ROOM_ID='Room_ID' AUTH_TOKEN='My_Auth_Token' MESSAGE="Hello World" curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "{"color": "purple", "message_format": "text", "message": "$MESSAGE" }" ...  View more

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Lightspeed Automatic Authentication on iOS

Ok, so what I'm trying to do is set a configuration profile so that when I am on network, my iPad will automatically connect to the wifi that is in range(already configured) and once it is connected it will take a particular set of LDAP credentials t...  View more

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Hiding WiFi password

Hi nation, one of my current projects is to try to hide the WiFi password from the user in any way.Our setup is: Deploystudio Image and DEP with PreStage Enrollments. The WiFi Setup with all SSIDs come from Casper - 3 different policies. Our students...  View more

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Login Policy Running as root user

I am trying to configure a login policy to modify the side bar (using mysides & sfltool), however whenever the policy runs it is running as the root user. Does anyone have a working login policy that runs as the user logging in?  View more

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Jamf Net SUS issues

Hello there everyone. I am working on getting our NetSUS device back up and running, as it was set up last year, and collected cobwebs pretty much for the better part of a year. Now I am attempting to get into the device, and when I attempt to go int...  View more

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Single Mobile Device Group?

How would I edit this script to only capture a single Mobile Device Group? I tried just editing line 119, which had a string for "/JSSResource/mobiledevices", but that didn't cut it. Here's the error I get...my guess (as a very, very poor coder) is t...  View more

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Remotely Clear Mobile Safari Cache / History

Is there a way of remotely clearing Mobile Safari Cache / History. We have Safari locked, so students cannot clear the History on the device (so if they are browsing where they should not we have their History data). BUT, there are sites that come up...  View more

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autopkg and Chrome

This may not be the best forum, but I'm going to ask here nonetheless. When I try to use autopkg today to download Google Chrome, I get version 49.0.2623.112. However, the current version is 57.0.2987.133. I've never had to troubleshoot autopkg befor...  View more

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Creating Sierra Image

Hi, I'm new to using Macs and administering them. I have a question regarding creating new images with Sierra as the OS. I've downloaded the OS from the App store, and I was just wondering if I have to re-package the "Install MacOS Sierra.dmg" in Com...  View more

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