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Forum Posts

Extension attribute help

Hello I have an extension attribute which does a simply cat of a txt file. The problem is the txt file has carriage returns in it and I would like to include them because the recon inventory shows all the information bunched together and i need to be...  View more

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Policy to enforce Computer Name

Is there a way to force the Computer Name using a reference list like a CSV? We have a good number of Mac users who are grandfathered in with admin rights. That's not likely to change. We're hoping to come up with a way to revert the Computer Name wh...  View more

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InstaDMG: A short tutorial

So, there has been a lot of on and off discussion about InstaDMG over the years. I have heard the debate from all sides of InstaDMG. From the supporters and the naysayers. Overall, in my personal and professional opinion it is a very nice and powerfu...  View more

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Recon fails after JSS upgrade to 8.4

I upgraded my JSS yesterday and now I cannot run Recon on any of my devices. I get the following error: Recon failed during the submit processThis will fail if the JSS has an invalid certificate but the "This JSS has a valid certificate installed" ch...  View more

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McAfee Security for Mac (ePO client config)

Hello, I'm trying to find some more information on getting our ePO server to see our Mac clients as managed objects. There was an install dmg file that was created for previous versions of OSX, but will not install on Lion. I have the new version of ...  View more

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Installing 8.4 on Lion 10.7

Yay! A shiny new version of Casper Suite! 8.4! I'm looking to install it tonight on a Lion box. Anyone successfully done that yet? I've already got Java from here: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1421I don't have an Enterprise license of MySQL. Communi...  View more

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JSS Database Size

Hi All Just wanted to know if this is normal or not, or JSS database is around the52G mark, we are currently managing around 250 Macs via Casper. This looks really large to me, is this normal? Thanks Abz  View more

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Anyone looking for a job?

Folk, I'm not sure what etiquette dictates here; I definitely don't want to come across as spamming. I've had an offer of a position that, after some heavy consideration, I've turned down. The agency has asked if I might know anyone that would be a v...  View more

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jamf createAccount Issue

Hello: I am interested in using the "jamf createAccount" script to add an administrator account. However, I have noticed a problem and I am wondering if anyone has suggestions for this. The problem is with one of the parameters "-password" where you ...  View more

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Build base on a laptop, Mac Pro or Mac Mini?

Which do you use and why? I made my base from a Mac Pro but when it is installed on a Mac Book Pro two Ethernet connections show. Or do you use different base builds depending on what type of machine that is being imaged? Thanks ![external image link...  View more

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Where to download Casper 8.3?

Where can I get the download to upgrade to Casper 8.3? I understand there is a newer version of Casper coming out very soon but I have 640 Macbook Airs to image immediately. I'm having some problems imaging the Lion Macbook Airs with my current versi...  View more

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Is Casper NetBoot Automator Action broken?

We are in need of updating our NetBoot image to support newer hardware that is starting to become more and more prevalent in our environment. The issue I am running in to is when I create a new workflow and add the "Configure Casper for NetBoot" (At ...  View more

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Shell Script and AppleScript question

Here is what i am trying to accomplish....i want the user to be able to click in self service and get user info such as what groups they are members of, their network home location etc. the users exist in Active Directory so i used the dscl command t...  View more

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problems netbooting new Lion Macbook Airs

I can't Netboot the latest Macbook Airs that include Lion preinstalled. They boot to the Apple logo with the spinning globe but that globe just spins forever and ever. Older Macbook Airs can Netboot fine. I made a new Netboot set with the new Macbook...  View more

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Binding to AD during imaging

Binding to AD during the imaging process has always been iffy for me. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I can't figure out any rhyme or reason as to why this is happening. I want to be able to log into an AD account immediately after imaging....  View more

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10.6 Built-in Cisco VPN and SelfService

Ok here it is; I have sent this to over 20 people on this list so far and still I have been asked for it. So I have decided to post it here. It works just fine for MacOS X 10.6.x built-in CiscoVPN. You can also use it with Casper Policy for quite dep...  View more

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problemas con profile configuration

I'm trying to implement profiles for the system but are unable to 10.7.If I JAMF configurationProfile command I get this: There are no profiles to apply configuration at the device level.There are no profiles to remove configuration at the device lev...  View more

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10.6 Cisco VPN and SelfService

Hi folks, is there a way to have a SelfService-Policy for setting up a CiscoVPN-Configuration? Merry Christmas!Holger ----Holger BartelsMax-Planck-Institut for Biophysical ChemistryIT & Elektronik ServiceAm Faßberg 11D-37077 Goettingen, Germanyphone:...  View more

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Thank you to everyone in the community for making my life a lot easier and I have learnt a lot over the past year just from this great community. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  View more

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Stable 8.x version query

We will be (finally) updating one of our client environments from 7.31 > 8.xx. Thanks to Apple for Lion-only bootable MacBook Pro laptops...oy! What's the most stable/reliable version? 8.31? 8.4? Wanted to get some feedback in case there's a release ...  View more

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Laptop Monitoring Software

Hi Zach Could you guys incorporate features similar to the Prey Open Source Software solution into the Recon App? Security tracking features such as GPS location, screen captures, and webcam capturing would be a significant product enhancement. http:...  View more

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Prevent name change on iPads?

Hi all, I don't think we can lock it down but I though I'd double check just in case!Can you prevent a user from changing the name of their iPad? I have one school in particular who are frustrated by students constantly changing the name the device. ...  View more

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10.7 base installer from Apple USB 10.7 USB

Hi list, I've looked at JAMF site and through the posts here, but I can't find this one.. I have the Apple 10.7 USB stick, from which I'd like to create a base installer. I followed the instructions from JAMF, but that didn't work, I got a 'no entry'...  View more

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Applications folder icon in dock

Dear Casper friends, My question is perhaps not strictly Casper related but I thought I'll ask here. I'm trying to get the Applications folder added into the dock automatically, but I'm unsure how to do this. Has anyone had some success with this und...  View more

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